War-Glaive Item in Elmaloris | World Anvil


A Vaenori crescent-shaped blade about 4 feet long with a hilt in the center of the back edge.  Those proficient with using this item know well that one can combine the two blades to create an even more imposing, even more iconic weapon.
When a character proficient in their use wields a war-glaive in each hand, the off-hand war-glaive counts as a light weapon for the purposes of two-weapon fighting penalties. A character can attach two war-glaives together, forming a double weapon. Attaching or detaching a set of war-glaives is a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity
RPG Stats
Cost: 125 gp; Weight: 3 lbs.; Damage(s/m): 1d6 S / 2d4 S; Critical: x3; Range: -; Type: slashing; Special: -; Category: One-handed; Proficiency: Exotic; Weapon Groups: blades, heavy;
Item type
Weapon, Melee
3 lbs
4ft length
Base Price