Diardo Vitri

Diardo Vitri

Hailing from the coastal town of Eslev, in the northern parts of Noar, this strange, fiendish-looking individual who few know much about. He himself is unsure who his mother was. He never fit in with the locals, despite being a functional member of society. The locals always sneered and looked him over warily, but eventually a group of drunken halflings leaned into him and drove into his insecurity, pushing and shoving him until he finally lashed out at his aggressors; one barbarous beating and a time in the dungeon later, he left the coastal town to seek somewhere he better belongs. After reaching Einarmund's outer walls, the crabby, dirt-encrusted(by all evidence, he seems to be averse to cleaning himself ever since leaving Eslev) man had found a candidate in this newly founded 'Order of the White Wyrm' guild being opened.
Chaotic Neutral
Current Location