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The Spear of Kineva

The Spear of Kineva is one of the Seven Divine Objects of Supradia.


Until recently, the spear was thought to be fictional by anyone not practising Supradia. However, in the Month of Saeri, 1587, a spear matching the description detailed in the Godly Texts was found by soldiers from the Kingdom of Erdantia. King Ulric Tyler, reigning monarch of Erdantia, declared it a national treasure, but did not believe that it had any other value. However, near the end of the year, a group of Goldenheart rebels stormed the New Castle, Drago. They killed many of the guards. One servant picked up the spear in self-defense. By the end of the day, that same servent had killed every last Goldenheart member in the castle, with no combat experience.   Since the attack on the New Castle, the spear has been sent into testing by Blood Legion member Christopher Marres. It is hoped that it will be able to be used in the War of Eserae. If so, it could prove devastating.  

Public reaction

After the existence was leaked to the public the year after the attack, it quickly reached public interest. The Seven Divine Objects became a very controversial topic. Many people who did not follow Supradia thought that it was a hoax made by Erdantia's government. Even Supradians were sceptical.
Item type
Weapon, Melee
Current Location
Owning Organization
One of a kind

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