Goldenheart Organization in Elemaran | World Anvil
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Goldenheart is an Erdantian-Atlinian rebel group operating within the Kingdom of Erdantia. It uses both peaceful and violent tactics to protest against various actions of Erdantia. It's main issues include Erdantia's annexation of parts of the Duchy of Atlin and its militerism, as well as various aspects of Erdantian corruption.


Goldenheart is fairly decentralised in its structure, with various subsidiaries in different areas. Each subsidiary handles its own affairs, led by a council of three members. These three members are usually chosen for specific heroic acts. There are a total of 23 subsidiaries around Erdantia and its colonies.

Public Agenda

Goldenheart maintains as much presence as it can, using speeches and rallies to build following in areas sympathetic to them, and violence in areas in opposition.   They took an active role in the War of Eserae, even rallying a number of troops, both members and supporters, for use in the Battle of Sesilen.


Goldenheart maintains a large network of suppliers and informants across Erdantia, around 450 people strong, with a further 80 messengers. Each of it's 23 subsidiaries have about 20-40 members.


Goldenheart was originally formed in 1524 by a group of Merchants in Wrister, an Atlinian area under occupation by the Kingdom of Erdantia. It was lead by tin merchant Alex Woodward. This group quickly gained traction and rebellion spread across Wrister. Erdantia's army was quickly sent in, silencing it and killing Woodward, but the ideas were already sown in the minds of the people. Goldenheart was born. It eventually regained structure after two of the original merchants came together to form an organised group.
Founding Date
Illicit, Rebel
Woodward's Lions (informal)
Related Ethnicities

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