Jada Orgroth Character in Elema | World Anvil

Jada Orgroth

Lady Jada Orgroth

Jade is a Dwarf warrior from Thur Malduhr

"I am Jada Orgroth. I come from the proud and noble line of Orgroth. I am the daughter of the current king, King Dridus, of Orgroth. I am a proven warrior, and if you don't believe me, there's a ring right over there. I'll hop in after you, and I will knock you out. Let's get a Pint."

Physical Description

Special abilities

My family line has a different natural resistance than the rest of the dwarven in the kingdom. We have fire magic resistance instead of Earth's magic resistant tends to make us weakness to wind magic

Mental characteristics


As the king's daughter,I received personal tutoring in nobility, training in fighting,and basic education. I wanted to observe how average people lived, so I chose to study the kingdom's guards and how they train. So I started as a basic recruit and was trained by my fellow recruits. I worked my way up the ranks with hard work and dedication.


Golrong Protection detail, escorting the local miners as they craft and work.

Accomplishments & Achievements

One of my greatest accomplishments was when I was with the Tun Guard. We were walking and making sure some mining tunnels were clear of major threats. I saw our heads in a large, opening cavern. A bunch of salamanders and fire elementals attacked a gathering of craftsmen and miners. So my team charged into the enemy, forming a V line to workmen. We took a defensive position around the group. I observed that the group had a few apprentices who were shocked by the monster's attack. We were making some progress with these monsters when they all suddenly ran away, going in the same direction.

I turned in the opposite direction as the monsters were running and saw two Minotaurons coming upon us, having attacked a couple of my men. I instructed my men to fortify the defenses and cover the fallen. As I run towards these two terrible beasts, the female beast swings her huge axe at me, and I jump forward and draw one of my chain axes and throw at the horn, which wrapped around as I swung up and over to get upon her shoulders. As the beast recovered, I landed on her and drew the other one while recovering the first. I threw the second one at the male's face. And they've given him a huge gash as blood starts streaming out of him, throwing him into a rage as he swings his axe right at me. I leaped backward with a big grin, readying the first and throwing it right into the spine of the female. Then I used my weight to keep her upright for a second and landed on the ground, the axe sliced her head off and dropped right next to me within a split second.

Not wasting a second more, I direct my soldiers to charge the last Minotaur. It was focused on me, and I was able to direct its attention away from my men. As it approached me, wielding a massive axe in the air. My man charged up to him and cut his ankles making him collapse to his knees. As he begins to fall reflexively, he drops the massive axe and tries to catch himself. That's when I drew my chain axe and swung it up and around its horn. I swing myself up to his head. Then I inserted one of my axe blades into his eye and made the Minotaur let out a horrifying scream.I had the biggest grin on my face as my men started climbing up it. Stabbing him as the team scaled the beast. We discovered how many stab wounds it takes to kill a Minotaur. Then we retrieved the wounded and led the craft's crew home. Then me and my lads hit the pub for some well-earned ale.

Failures & Embarrassments

Family MS

My greatest failure is the reason I'm on this trip. Is that my father has become unwell, and it is time to figure out who will be the future King? If I could trust my two older brothers to take care of the kingdom, I would let them, but both of them are self-centered meatheads. My older brother, Branden, has been buttered up and spoiled by the other lords and members of the huge group of power. It has essentially given him an overinflated ego and made him their whipping boy. All because they believe he should be the next king since he is the eldest, even though this has never been the case in our kingdom. My second older brother, Volt, has no honor and snatches others. He is a snake-like man who will not hesitate to force others into the darkest pit of disaster. Only to make him appear better. He is the worst type of indivisible one, taking glory from others while having none of his own. He also has a good following of individuals who believe in his Minotaur Shit.

Then there's me, the youngest, yet there are several warrior and craftsman clans in our kingdom prepared to follow me. To become king, at least 75% of the kingdom will vote on the previous king's children to become the next heir. If we can't get enough people to agree on one of the royal hairs,. That is a trial by battle, which may involve individuals or a war. What I don't want for my people is for them to have a war over the king because I know my brothers are afraid of me. They will not face me head-on.

There is one more option to choose a successor: mastering the King's chain weapon. A weapon containing a deadly beast inside of it. It used to help our kingdom and the Kings of Old, but over the last few centuries, it has refused or outright corrupted each of my forebears who attempted to wield it. So I embarked on a trip to discover a way to make him submit. So I cansave my kingdom without losing too many lives.

The Two Hit Reality Check

In my younger years, after completing my training and becoming a Tun Guard,.I allowed my ego and pride in my fighting abilities to cloud my judgment. I wasn't on duty and didn't feel the need to worry about the outside world. I'll get into a lot of brawl fights to prove I could beat anyone. I felt as if I still needed to overcome myself as the third child, as well as show I was better than my family's history and background.

Well, one faithful night, I used my intoxicated on my own power for fighting. I just won the combat rubel, but it didn't satisfy my desire for a fight. It wasn't really a challenge; I won all of my bouts without feeling pushed. I went to my usual drinking hub, where I had gotten into several brawls. I saw a guy who had come to the pub several times, yet when a fight broke out, he would simply sit there and drink his drink as if you were superior to us. Well, tonight is the night I show him what I'm made of. That is what I thought. I had paid attention to the moments when such conflicts occurred, I had seen him stop numerous bottles flying at him and place them on the table without spilling his drink. I also noticed he shifted slightly to avoid being hit by a stray strike. So I know he was a good fighter, and he just thought he was too good for us.

Well, in my stupidity, I walk up all proud and cocky, forcing him to fight with me. The man seemed quiet, but you could tell a storm was coming. He agreed but asked that we walk outside. I was fired up and ready to go, so I accepted. We headed outdoors, and he told me to take our best shot. I became enraged, and threw a punch at his face. That was when the ground was introduced to my face all of a sudden. Then, all of a sudden, a strong blow to the back of my head knocked me out. That man handed me my soggy beard. It took some time, but I was glad someone defeated me. It provided me with two fantastic things: a reality check to think before I act and a deep understanding that there is always a big challenge out there. That is what will keep me going. When I am strong enough, I will challenge him to a proper match.


It never right to beat a man when he's down or attack the week. If it's an MMA and you are going to kill him do it quick and precise

Personality Characteristics


What motivates me is a great challenge, especially martial arts combat. I can't get enough of that. Not in my other big motivator, it's my entire Kingdom of family I did it to live, drive, and have a good life in the life they wanted, so I will do what needs to be done to make them have the best future possible. Now don't tell me when I tell you about the sappy stuff.

Likes & Dislikes

Of course like any respectable dwarf I love a good fight and strong Ale but I probably like fighting more then the average dwarf   I don't like is people taking credit for other people's hard work it just sends something in me that is just wrong also do not like the taste of wine or fish


Family Ties

My father the amazing King Dridus Orgroth. who loved the kingdom and took care of our family the best he could
Stupid Brothers One and two also known as Branden and Volt

Religious Views

My belief the gods are there I will deal with that when I meet them in the afterlife right now here and going to help my people


I have been told I come off brash, straightforward and a bit rude, even for a drawer or an Orc

Wealth & Financial state

My family is very wealthy me personally at the moment got enough to get by
Chotic Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lady Jada Orgroth,  The Chain Destroyer
Current Residence
Deep dark blue
Raven black hair usually braided and extremely long
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Olive skin
4.6 feet
Known Languages
Worldest "Common" , Dwarven, Orcish, Elven, Aquadian ()

Cover image: by Marc Zipper (Valcin)


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