Izzet Geographic Location in Elema | World Anvil


Izzet is the great desert of Raygon and where the kingdom of Megotin live and survive.


It is sandy land that is protected with mountains on one side and a great ocean on the other. There are few pools of water. plant life is scarce and is one that evolved to survived with little water or gets nutrients in another way. So be careful some of the plants are big and like meat. Animal are ruffer and strong to survive the heat. They build for finding what they need to survive. know the heat the lack of water and the life out here is the worse. Magical monsters will appear out no were. It the weirdest event that happens because in the whole world. This the only place in the world where magical areas periodically. So these are just some stuff you will find bright sunny days.

Localized Phenomena

It knows As Gate Strom. The area will get dark and cloudy in a small area. There will be no rain but bright green and dark red lighting some in the nearby a Golden mix Black energy as something come through it. what comes is unknown it has been small it been large they are some type of monster with a special ability. It like summon creature but no was as summon it or is in control of it. It is from ream the Summer and wizard cant finger.


Wizards want to come to see the Gate Strom and the creator that come through it. other want to vist the kingndom of Megotin  to see there old architects like the pyramids.
Owning Organization
Inhabiting Species

Cover image: by Marc Zipper (Valcin)


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