Dragon Species in Elema | World Anvil


Dragon is one the most powerful wild beast out there. If you ever come across one. pray to the gods or goddess and run like light. Hopeful it is not in the mode for you. Dragons are some of the most interesting magical beasts out there. There are even legends that say every so often one gains intelligence become sentient

Basic Information


Large reptilian body scales cover it from head to claws. They have four legs with four sharp claws on each one. two wings for flight in the sky. sharp teeth with its longed mouth. sharp horns on their head at ready. eyes with Diamond pupils vary colors.

Genetics and Reproduction

The dragon will lay eggs once every 100 years. it produces normally around 1 to 4 eggs.

Growth Rate & Stages

It takes them 100 years for them to fully mature into a young dragons. Another hundred years for them to become an adult dragons.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Almost every part of a dragon can be used for Superior magic weapons and armor crafting to magical components and potions.  Wizards and Craftsmen have figured out how to use a dragon's entire body.

Average Intelligence

Their intelligence is very close to sentient. They don't seem to have a language or create technology. They do seem to have a way with magic. They have a strategic mind when they're fighting. that's why some cultures have been able to train and use them efficiently. Also, Dragons seem to have the nature to hoard some form of type of object or material depending on the type of dragon it is. Even though it serves no need than just them wanting it

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

They have great sight they see in the dark. Also, see magical energy come off everything. The hearing is also very acute and has a large range of sound waves.

Civilization and Culture


In the around 20000 the dragon population had grown too big. It was destroying civilizations. So several kingdoms and countries banded together. To take out a large portion of the dragon population. This was known as the dragon hunt. For about 500 years this went on. Until the population became small enough that it wasn't affecting the world. So this is a civilization started rebuilding. Nowadays people who want to go hunt Dragons. Are either adventurers looking to make their mark on the world and some good money and gear. Wizards who want the best type of components or a fool looking for the Dragon's hoard. either way Dragons in most areas have a scarce population. There are a few kingdoms that breed and take care of their Dragons and train them.
Genetic Descendants
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Their scales coloring all depends on the type of dragon they are.

Articles under Dragon

Cover image: by Marc Zipper (Valcin)


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