3 Orange Peel Technology / Science in Elema | World Anvil

3 Orange Peel

The Three Orange Pills are ideal for days when you simply cannot lie in bed and feel ill. It will allow you to return to work to assist in caring for your children or to go out and enjoy your day. It will suppress your illness for a brief amount of time, allowing you to go about your everyday life. We'll have you up and running in three tiny tonics. So, what are you still waiting for?


This was a tonic developed by alchemist Lenina Spartan while working on a Impervious Cold treatment. She created a suppressor that works with tree vile. The first tonic cleans out your system by warming up your throat and airway, and for the next 10 minutes, you will have a runny faucet for a nose. This tonic has the flavor of a citrus habanero combined with cough syrup. After taking the first tonic, wait 15 minutes before taking the second tonic. This one not only relieves pain but also cools you off. Getting rid of your headaches and muscle aches. It tastes like harshly citrus chalk this time. You must wait another 15 minutes before taking the third tonic. This tonic will replenish part of your physical and magical energies. Not all of it will be recovered, but enough to keep you from feeling fatigued. It tastes like sparkling citrus with a grassy undertone.z  


Even if it's marketed or sold as a cold treatment. it is not a cure, it is a suppression, you are still sick. The tonic will last approximately 8 hours. It is not recommended to consume more than once per day. Because it is quite easy to overburden your body and worsen the illness. As a result of taking these tonics, the healing process is slowed, and you will most likely remain unwell for a longer period of time than usual.

if you are still in the early stages and contagious when taking the tonics. Then you're still contagious and can spread the virus. Even if the tonic clears your system, you will still have some leakage from your nose and the virus will be present in your saliva. The tonic dose stops you from sneezing.  So take the required precautions, such as using a face mask when in public. Clean and purify your hands as often as possible. Try to avoid congested areas. You don't want to get others sick.

Social Impact

The consequences for society will be determined by the Kingdom and businesses, as well as the rules and regulations of that unique civilization. Now that we've gotten that out of the way, this tonic has done both good and harm in much of the world. Here are some examples that can be found in most kingdoms.

People have tried to promote it as a cold remedy. Either try to sell it and market it better or scam people to make a profit. As a result, there have been countless occasions in which the virus has spread across an entire Kingdom at an alarming rate because no one has taken proper safety measures. Making everyone go to them and buy more of the tonic, and the scammers and businesses are profit from people's ignorance and desperation.

When you have a project or something big to complete at work, This tonic will help you in complete it and delegate the rest to someone else.  So you can come and take care of yourself. That is how it helps in the workplace, but the unfortunate fact is that certain companies will take full advantage of it. Tell the person to take the tonic and come to work even though they should be resting and healing at home. Making these poor folks come to work and endure their sickness for an extended period of time, or worse, developing into something more significant

It does an excellent job of assisting families. When everyone is sick, one parent could use this tonic. To be able to better care for their children. Giving them the ability to push through it and ideally get their children to a point where they can rest and relax.

Adventurers can utilize this while in the middle of a mission to hopefully find a spot to relax or finish the quest so they can get home and sleep. You don't want your wizard or warrior to become ill while on the job in the middle of a monster den. So if The Adventurers feel sick, they can get a fast boost to continue their objective and finish it. Then finding a secure location to stay.
Access & Availability
It can be found in most kingdoms, usually in a city or major town. You simply need to go to your local alchemist or apothecary. Hospitals and other places of healing may also supply it.

Cost 35GP

Cover image: by Marc Zipper (Valcin)


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