The Anchor Geographic Location in Eldris | World Anvil

The Anchor

The Anchor is an important part of the seafaring Orc culture. It has traditionally been a land mark used as a mid point between the three continents. Carvings have been etched into the faces of the pillar as a means to help travelers find their way. It is used by their people as a training tool for young way finders of the Orc clans.  


Several legends surround The Anchor, particularly it's namesake. Stories have been passed down by the Orc clans that the spire once was tall enough to touch the clouds. On clear days with no clouds in the sky, a massive island could be seen floating above, anchored to Eldris by the spire. Legend goes that storms battered and wore down the anchor until eventually the wind and rain wore away the stone and the island broke free to sail on the currents of the sky winds. The only access to the island was said to be underground through dwarven tunnels, then to climb the stairs within the spire.   Other legends are similar to the story of The Anchor; a massive endless staircase within this pillar of stone that lead to an island that once floated in the sky. Dwarves call it Fir'Tan's spire, claiming it to be a floating dragon fortress with the spire spiraling downward as an attempt to send human slaves to assail the dwarves in a surprise attack from the sea.


The Anchor is a massive, hollow rock spire with jutting formations exposed at the broken top that look like weather worn stair located in the sea between Batolund, Fuarvald, and Iarlund. It is the only rock formation visible in the area, but beneath the waves there is a mass of well worn rock formations, clumped like massive termite hills.


The Anchor is home to many barnacles, corals, kelps, and anemones that anchor themselves to the stone. These organisms naturally attract varieties of fish, which thrive in the lush ecosystem. Fish use The Anchor to avoid and hide from large predators and feed on the plants.
Alternative Name(s)
The Great Spire, The Endless Staircase
Rock Formation


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