Magic Material Components
"Spell casting requires more than the correct elemental flows around you. This provides the energy, while your materials, words, and gestures direct this energy. Of these requirements, Material Components are some of the most important." - Magic 101Material components themselves do not matter for spell casting. A mage can, theoretically, use anything to cast spells. However, generations of rigorous training and one size fits all mentality has led most arcane schools to forget this fact and push certain components for certain spells. A strong enough mage can cast without any components, simply by using gestures, vocalizations, or nothing but the flows around them.
History & Usage
Material components provide a focus and fuel for spells. The energy of the channeled magic destroy material components, particularly of the bio-material variety. Stones and metals are better able to endure the magic, but also have their limits before they crack, shatter, disintegrate, or in rare cases burst into flames. Consumed bio-material often crumbles or burns away.
The use of material components was discovered centuries ago by a less than talented mage. By utilizing components with energy properties close to what he wanted to accomplish, he was able to enhance his spell's power. The discovery was presented to the mages guild and experimentation began. These experiments led to the rigidity in spell casting we see today.
An unwary mage unaware of the condition of his components may experience burns or splinters when the material is consumed by the spell. Use of components that are less than mint condition can lead to hiccups in the spell, such as incorrect targets being hit or complete backfires that cause harm to the mage.
Environmental Impact
While using the components has little impact on the environment, the harvesting of them has caused several issues with deforestation and habitat loss as farms are erected to produce the high demand materials. Over time several species of plant and lizard have gone extinct due to over harvesting.