Superchemist Profession in Ekozia | World Anvil


The conditions were very simple - any men to try and break the wooden leg would have to pay one coin. Once it breaks, they will get two third of the pot, the smiling owner of this world strongest wood would get the rest. Many men tried, not one were able to break the small, wooden or even bend it.   It took three days, till the people figured out that man was a superchemist and that wooden leg was no wood at all. By this time the man had run away on his superchemically enhanced leg far, far away.
  Superchemy is a discipline of Alchemy and concerns itself with the strengthening of materials further than their natural possibilities would allow. This often happens as part of an (almost) equivalent exchange of different attributes. One can make a rod of steel much more heat-resistant and flexible, while also increasing its weight and decreasing the ability to transfer magic at the same time.   Many processes of superchemy involve complex apparatus as well as an often lengthy process to create or modify a material. However, some superchemists are able to transmute very specific materials or create very specific effects with their own natural magic and little additional materials. These Superchemical Savants are rare, but the trait seems to be hereditary.   The researches of superchemy have found many ways to alter the process of creation by constructing stronger or specific forges, melting- and casting basins as well as one very impressive hydraulic metal press. One central discovery of Superchemy is the Highpressure Magofurnace.   Superchemy has found there are certain material-dependend characteristics on what attributes can be enhanced to which degree. This becomes additionally complex with alloys, mixtures or compound materials. Some superchemists also experiment with enhancing the human body without the need of potions. Superchemical Savants are known to be able to bend and break the material-dependend characteristics for a short while.  

Some Types of Superchemical Savants

There are multiple types of superchemical savants, and their skills are not mutually exclusive. In fact, some magical academies even teach some basic skills of different types of savant natures to their students. However, some types of savants are in fact known throughout the public and are presented here.  

Wood Savant

Slightly inaccurately named. A Wood Savant is able to influence most plant grown matter, be it the wood of rees or the petal of flowers. In most cases, they are able to harden the materials or give them additional flexibility. Some obsucre savants in the region of Wunnewalden are even able to rapidly increase the growth of living plants or to increase their overall volumina. Some adventures are know to utilize fast growing vines to be able to climb down steep clifffaces.   Tarel the Gardener is a well known Wood Savant, who uses his skills to grow and cultivate medicinal herbs. He is working closely with the Leafid Herbal Gardens.  

Gold Savant

A very rare type of Savant. They are not able to influence gold but rather have a tendency to turn materials into gold with a simple touch. Some myths tell of savants who had to starve due to them not being able to avoid their gift, but the process usually takes a conscious effort. Also not the whole material will be changed to gold, but usually only the surface.   The mysterious golden hunter of Bealuki killed or preserved his victims, by turning some vital organs to gold, often the heart or the lungs.  

Stone Savant

The Stone Savants can typically increase the density and flexibility of most natural grown stones. They are having trouble with materials like cement, but skilled and concentrated efforts can even manipulate those. Many Stone Savants are also called stone shapers, as they can almost liquify stone and remodel it into the desired shapes. Some stone Savants are even able to pass through stone walls as if it were just water.   A famous thief is rumored to be a stone savant - there seems no other explanation how they can easily enter highly secured rooms, but by diving through the walls.


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