Only an alchemist can take a ball of mud and exclaim to have found the solution to their food problem.
Alchemy generally describes the art of combining multiple things together to create a completely new substance, usually with the help of magic. Originally, alchemy was only about the transmutation of one material into another, with the fruitless effort to create valuable metals out of cheap resources. Over the centuries, this field has expanded towards more specific and productive fields. Modern day alchemy is almost always deeply connected with machinery and tinkering. Most alchemists try to find solutions for new upcoming challenges of the rapidly growing industrialization of processes. As such, the field of alchemy has developed into multiple distinguishable fields with varying amount of professionalism and degree of magic involved.
The most central issues an alchemist concerns themselves with are about the enhancement of materials, the creation of consumeables, the creation and production of magical fuel sources, the creation of automata, and the conceptualization of magical-industrial production of goods. At their core, all of these fields are still founded upon the concept of transmutation, which is why they are all still grouped together as Alchemy.
Fields of Alchemy
Alchemy of the Enhancement of Materials
Superchemy concerns itself with the strengthening of materials further than their natural possibilites would allow. This often happens as part of an (almost) equivalent exchange of different attributes. One can make a rod of steel much more heat resistant and flexible, while also increasing its weight and decreasing the ability to transfer magic at the same time. One central discovery of the Superchemists is the
Highpressure Magofurnace
Superchemy has found there are certain material-dependend characteristics on what attributes can be enhanced to which degree. This becomes additionally complex with alloys, mixtures or compound materials. Some superchemists also experiment with enhancing the human body without the need of
Alchemy of the Creation of Food and Drink
Culinalchemy encompasses all actions that create, change or multiply food or drinks. The art of creating potions with magical means is also part of this discipline. Culinalchemists often work as an
Apothecary or as well specialized chefs and as such this field is often viewed as a side-occupation.
One of the central achievements of Culinalchemy is the discovery of the
Culinary Agent, which grants an alchemist the ability to increase the amount of food with the addition of different materials.
Alchemy of the Creation and Production of Magical Fuel sources
Combulchemy is the field of all substances and their creation that can be used to fuel devices, either of magical nature or the relatively new concept of
Pressure Engines. Combulchemists often devise methods to refine, mix, or transmute liquids into a safely combustable form. Additionally, they study the possibility of chraging crystals and othe rmaterials with magical energy by transferral from a magically gifted person or between different objects.
Some fringe groups of Combulchemy claim to have discovered a way to create additional magical energy by effectively destroying matter completely. Their theories are wildly rejected, as this would fundamentally ignore the concept of equivalent exchange. Others warn that such a method would be potentially catastrophic, since it could release a massive amount of magic on par with the power of gods, endangering the fabric of reality itself.
Alchemy of the Creation of Automata
Automalchemy concerns itself with the combination of mechanics and alchemy to create anything from large scale automatically moving machines used in the industrialized production of goods down to small little devices, powered by magical energy such as the intricately designed
Miniature Wrist Magometer.
A large part of Automalchemy is the construction of small, helpful homunculi that can perform simple tasks relatively autonomously. Some common people are relatively scared of these experiments, as there are rumors of homunculi using human parts to work effectively. The study
"About the failure to use organic parts in the construction of Homunkuli" written by a famous automalchemist did little to reduce these fears - in the end they
somehow had to come to the definite conclusion that human parts are not viable at all.
The field of the Conceptualization of magical-industrial production of goods
Crealchemy is a mostly theoretical discipline and practicioners of Crealchemy constantly have to defend the association to the field of alchemy in front of others. However, the field demands the general knowledge of all other fields to conceptualize new startegies and optimal efficiency in creating alchemical setups. As such, the Crealchemist has become increasingly important for the rapidly growing industry.