Illuminating the Gazezian Orbs Tradition / Ritual in Ekozia | World Anvil

Illuminating the Gazezian Orbs

One of the most common traditions shared across all human nations in the world is the celebration of their birthdays by gathering the wishes and good fortune for the upcoming year in a magical orb and releasing it at the end of the day. Illuminating the Gazezian Orbs is a tradition allegedly first started by the goddess of good luck and fortune Gazezu herself and involves carrying and protecting one orb for a whole day.   When the person's birthday arrives, they will be given a Gazezian Orb without any lights yet light in it. The orbs are usually given to them by either their partner or their parents, but at least the local shrine or temple of Gazezu will send you an orb as a symbol of their goddess' blessing. The person will hold the orb in their hands, focussing on their wishes for the upcoming year, and sending some of their energy into the orb. At this point, it will start to glow softly and this glow will increase during the day.   During the day, the person will hold the orb in their hands as often as possible. If they are spending their time in contemplation and prayers or if they receive wishes of good luck and fortune from others, the glow in the orb will further intensify. At the end of the day, usually as the climax of a celebration in the open, the orb will be shattered on the ground and all the fortune and good luck will come over the person as a blessing - creating a magical sparkling show in the sky as a visual side-effect.   The tradition of the orb stems from the myth of Gazezu having her own special orb, in which she gathered her blessings and fortunes for the world. After shattering it in the sky, she created many of the brighter stars seen today in the night sky, typically those representing the six deities themselves.  

Additional Information

Sometimes a person gets gifted more than one orb at the beginning of their day and the act of choosing one orb over the other is seen as a strong sign of affection - which regularly leads to drama and conflict between spouses.
Some persons have no innate magical talent or are still too young and cannot ignite the orb. For these cases, a priest of Gazezu or a parent assists them in igniting the orb, sending their magic while the person having a birthday focuses on their wishes.
It is rumored that the original Gaezian Orb was Gazezu's part of the Manedir.
There is a sect growing, worshipping misfortune as a way to challenge the people. They created fake Gazezian orbs that can potentially harm people.
Birthday Tradition
Group size
Often personal, or observed in small familiar groups
Rooted in
Religion, Teachings of Gazezu


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