Necklace of Kidma Nikoliakis Item in Ekal | World Anvil
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Necklace of Kidma Nikoliakis

A legendary magic item once used by the archmage Kidma Nikoliakis to resurrect her dead lovers. Containing thousands of diamonds, this item can cast spells like 'True Resurrection' a certain number of times. A ritual can be performed to recharge the necklace, but the details have been lost to time.    For years the necklace was on displat at the Museum of Natural Wonders at Chusei University, but in 919 it was stolen by Handgun agents in one of their most infamous heists to date. Nobody knows where the necklace is now, but rumors on the black market indicate that a wealthy Sardivelian family purchased the item sometime in the mid-920's.

Creation Date
2nd Cycle, third millennium


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