Mixed Genetics in Eiria | World Anvil
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Mixed Genetics

The Half Breeds of Eiria

Oh, those people, yes well. We don't speak to those people least you are stoning them from our city. They are far worse than even the Lessers, which is... Surprising...
— A Drassi on Half-Breeds

  Half-Bloods and Half-Races are extremely rare, in fact in some of their cultures they would be killed on sight, such as the Drassi. As normal most races look down upon any mixed blood. Though any of the Half-Blood of the three elves or humans would be tolerated, Half-Races would not.  
Half-Bloods: Half-Bloods are any same based race mixing with another, example a Fjorn having a child with an Ezana or a Drassi having a child with a Falkovian. Racial features will be mixed 55/45, 55 being the mother's race and 45 being the father's race. Their lifespans are normal. List the mix as Mother/Father when submitting a mixed blood character.
Half-Elf: Any race of human and any race of elf. Racial features will be mixed 60/40, 60 being the mother's race and 40 being the father's race. Most half-elves only live about 500 years. List the mix as Mother/Father when submitting a mixed blood character.
Half-Orcs: Any race of Human or Elf and an Orc. Racial features will be mixed 75/25, 75 being Orc and 25 being Elf or Human. While in Orc society they are less shunned or looked down on, they often push the child harder than an Orc, outside of Orcs most Half-Orcs will have a hard time. Half-Orcs live the same amount of time as Orcs.
Beast Races and Dwarves cannot intermix with other races.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions



Half-Bloods: Vastly lacking in an opinion of the human variant of Half-Bloods often treating them as they would the race who traits they most show. Though when it comes to Half-Blooded elves They will often be jaded against those who hold Drassi blood while being fine with any other mix of Elvish blood.   Half-Elves: Any other Half-Elf is fine, it is mostly the Drassi Half-Elves that humans will take exception to. Treating them as they would any full-blooded Drassi so long as they could tell that they were mixed with the Drassi blood.   Half-Orcs: Having a rocky relationship with Orcs, Half-Orcs are really no differently treated as it can sometimes be hard to tell a Half-Orc from a regular Orc. Often shunned and avoided or treated with suspicion when dealt with.  


Half-Bloods: Fjorn mixed half-bloods are treated just like any other Fjorn. They do not have problems with other mixes of half-bloods, treating them with respect so long as they are giving it. Half-Blood Elves are sometimes not treated well, mostly because of the roles they have played over the years as the Empire's lap dogs.   Half-Elves: Fjorn mixed Half-Elves are often pushed harder than other Fjorn, feeling they need to prove themselves more. Though Half-Drassi are treated with suspicion, mostly due to the fact it can be difficult to tell a full blood Drassi from a half-blood. Even Fjorn and Drassi mixes are treated this way, because of the two race's history.   Half-Orcs: Just like Orcs, they aren't trusted. With their dealing with the Orcs, their half children are generally seen as the same as full Orcs.  


Any Mixed Genetics: You will often find them in the company of Ezana, as they welcome any misfit under their cloak. Finding a place within their ranks and lives as if they were born Ezana. Often times being adopted or taken in by families, given their rites to own a Wajiff, and even marry within the Ezana community.  


Half-Bloods: To them, they are like any other human or elf, it matters not so long as they do not do anything to offend them. Though Half Drassi are treated with caution, fear, and distrust. Their Drassi blood not always condemning them but the general consensus is that they should be treated as such.   Half-Elves: Most half-Elves are not treated any different than regular elves though those mixed with Drassi are treated just as the same   Half-Orcs: Distrustful of Orcs it is really no difference because of how their full-blooded brethren treat most of Eirians. Drassi blooded Orcs are especially feared as the fights and battles with True Stadus Orcs have put the fear of death in most races and it would be difficult to tell a Drassi/Orc from even a mix of a True Stadus Orc.  


Any Mixed Genetics: Having no real true feelings towards things they haven't really seen in over 6000 years. They would more than likely just accept them and likely study them.  


Any Mixed Genetics: Purge the unclean. They do not tolerate mixing. They will often stone a mother when she is pregnant with a suspected mixed child. While adult mixed people if killed is not counted as murder on Drassi lands. They will often be blamed for anything going wrong in their lands. These are the only kind of people who rank lower than Lesser Drassi in the view of a Drassi.  


Any Mixed Genetics: They often do not care about politics of other races and as such treat them like there counter parts.  


Half-Bloods/Half-Elves: They all taste the same. It matters little to the Orcs if you are mixed or not. They will treat you the same as any other race not their own.   Half-Orcs: Look down and often seen as half a person or nothing in their society. Often having to prove themselves to even be seen as an outlier of the society of Orcs. There are ways to be counted as full blooded Orc but few either try or make it.  


Any Mixed Genetics: They often do not care about politics of other races and as such treat them like there counter parts.  


Half-Bloods/Half-Elves: They neither care for or about the possible politics of the non-beast races. They will treat them the same as their non-beast folk counterparts.   Half-Orcs: Hostile, openly hostile if traveling in a band or large group. Solitary or with other races they will either be ignored during conversation and watched like hawks for any sign of trouble. Holding them to being more like the Orcs to the north of them.  


Half-Bloods/Half-Elves: They neither care for or about the possible politics of the non-beast races. They will treat them the same as their non-beast folk counterparts.   Half-Orcs: Often hostile and will try to push them out of their borders in thoughts they are working with Orcs to gain a foothold into their territories.  


Any Mixed Genetics: They all sell for different reasons. The Lamia do not care if they are pure blood or not. They will always look at outsiders as how much they could be worth. They don't care about other's politics.
Example of a Half-Orc
Mixed People
Vrax Chatt
  • Race: Ezana/Orc
  • Gender: Female
  • Profession: Ezana Weapon-smith
  • Mini Bio: Her mother fell in love with a young orc man and thus Vrax was born. She grew up and lived in the Ezana world and lived a good life.
  Aleric Sibari
  • Race: Human/Ezana
  • Gender: Male
  • Profession: Beast Master
  • Mini Bio: Born in a night of enjoyment before his father moved on and left him to grown up in the kingdom and become a rather decent beast master in the army.
  • Race: Human/Orc
  • Gender: Female
  • Profession: Outcast
  • Mini Bio: This was not a pairing for the ages, it was violent and how her mother survived is a miracle. She would find that a wandering hermit life was better than the way she would be received inside of the human world.
  Zahara Al-Fahktal
  • Race: Ezana/Drassi
  • Gender: Female
  • Profession: Beastboy
  • Mini Bio: Born out of a violent pairing that nearly cost her mother her life, she grew up in the Ezana culture and hid her Drassi features.
  Torsten Arnisson
  • Race: Human/Fjorn
  • Gender: Male
  • Profession: Boat Maker
  • Mini Bio: His parents settled in Vjorn where he would grow up with the seasonal move and learning the ways of the sea and fishing
Example of a Half-Elf


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