Lamia Species in Eiria | World Anvil
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A Master of Slaves

A Lamia is only worth as much as his blood can carry. Whether that be jewels, precious metals, or even slaves. You are nothing without your belongings.
— A Slave Master

  A reclusive lot only coming to light to generally trade with the Ezana routes that travel between their cities. Talents lying with potions, stealth, and one-handed weapons along with the Illusion and Necromancy schools of magic. Their main trade is mostly reliant on slaves, jewelry, and fine silks and fabrics. Seeming to be a proud people and taking pride in what they do and make, they ultimately enjoy their solitude within their cities.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Common Female Names
  • Tapamac
  • Quetzal
  • Izel
  • Nahuazoh
  • Zyanya
Common Male Names
  • Teyaxahual
  • Teoxitli
  • Necaxaual
  • Tizoc
  • Xocopa
  While last names are generally a clue to their family ties such as Tizoc E'Obsidian Blood, it can be inferred from this that his family works with weapons or armor. Someone with the E'Purgia would be from the line of Biram, Emporer, of the Lamia, it's so they can track their lines back to the first Lamias. E' means 'of' in this context and is said in either the common tongue or the tongue of the Lamia, Uxati. Its highly important to them and can cause great offense if not said or the equivalent 'of' said.

Beauty Ideals

Often taking hooded Lamia as those to be most desired, those without hoods tend to wear fashion that creates a fake hood. Always wanting to be drenched in the richest of fabrics, gems, and precious metals. Their beauty is gauged on what one has in the terms of wealth, possessions, and slaves. While that's not the only thing considered it is a major part.   Vibrant colors and patterns are another highly desirable trait. Along with cleanliness, the whole saying of cleanliness is next to godliness or in this case, Edioloness, is brought to new levels for Lamia. An unclean Lamia is one of the worst social faux pas.

Courtship Ideals

Almost all courtship are preplanned by the parents or guardian of the Lamia in question. Treated more like meetings rather than actual dating or courting. Though the higher up into the food chain so to say of the Lamia world you go the more things are plotted and planned for the couple. Most royal bloodlines are plotted, coordinated, tempered, and the only plus side is living in the lap of luxury most of the time.

Relationship Ideals

Lamia do not believe in keeping people around who do not do things for them or their status. Whether it is in the form of gift giving, an ear in the higher echelons, or a way to rise in wealth they will often throw away the relationship. Giving in to the indulgence of the physical realm like their patron Ediolon.

Common Etiquette Rules

Physical Greetings
  • Formal greetings are as such, after taking stock at where in the ladder of the Lamia society, the lower on the food chain Lamia will bow their head and adjust their height accordingly. Handshakes or hugging is often a very rare greeting and normally only done by close friends and family.
Verbal Greetings
  • The proper formula for greeting someone is Name, Title, Last Name, Lineage if known. It is often common knowledge of who your parents are if you are high on the social ladder of the Lamia. Though lower ranked greetings may only consist of Name and Last Name, which is also perfectly acceptable based on where the person you are greeting stands. As always the only execption is close friends and family members.
Emotional Demeanor
  • Lamia are taught to ooze pride with every movement and breath. Putting your best scale forward is the only way they know how to live. A Lamia who does not do this is seen as odd or strange to most of his kin and can even lead to ostracizing.
  • Looking at what jewelry, clothing, or insignia determined whether a Lamia will stand at the full height or slightly shorter. Those of a higher station will always stand a noticeable amount taller than those of the lower stations. It would not be an uncommon sight to see a Lamia's torso nearly slithering across the ground be there is a room/area filled with those who are of even just a fraction higher being cruel to their lessers.

Common Dress Code

Male/Female Fashion

  • Non-Military will often be draped in various silks if their station allows that or brightly colored cloth.
  • Military will often wear their armor under their clothing.
  • Jewelry is a must no matter your station. Though it is not as refined as the Dwarves it is still a sight to be seen.
  • Somewhere on your person is an insignia of your station within the world of the Lamia.
  • The more extravagant your clothing generally leads to the higher your station but not always.


  • Armor color denotes importance. Gold for officers, Silver for middlemen, and Bronze for soldiers.
  • Every helm is hooded like that of a Cobra, size can also indicate rank among the colored armor but sometimes does not because of the possible hooded Lamia inside it.
  No matter what a Lamia must keep things looking pristine and clean. Anything with a hole, stain, or some sort of blemish is generally thrown out. Repairs to such things are seen as lowly and beneath a propper Lamia.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

  • It is common on their hatch day that they turn 20 years old they are given their first slave and either a piece of jewelry, clothing, armor, or weapon that has been in their family. Signally they are now someone in the Lamia culture and grown enough to no longer live in their parent's home.
  • It is customary to kick the children of the household out when they reach 25 years of age if they have not moved out sooner.
  • While slightly understanding 'Lesser' races cannot unhinge their jaws they often have the handlers tell visiting races that their value in Lamia society will be judged on if they can swallow whole their meal in one go. While it is more of entertainment for Lamia than anything else.

Common Taboos

  • A dirty Lamia is a Lamia not worth looking at or speaking to.
  • A Lamia should never be seen in plain clothing, as they will be shoved into a slave pen and forgotten.
  • Scars on the face and upper torso are seen as something ghastly and a way to ruin your standing because no Lamia wishes to be seen as damaged.
  • A Lamia who does not sacrifice or keep slaves cannot call themselves a true Lamia.


In the beginning, there was only man and elf created to inhabit and spread over Eiria. The mortals were a marvel of creation many of the original Eidolons were fascinated with the mortals to some degree. Some taught them how to build other taught them how to destroy and some both. But one Eidolon looked on the young beings with something more than the mentor view most of the others had….   This Eidolon was known as the lord of lust, the princess of pleasure, and the forebear of forbidden acts, this Eidolon would be known as Totrix. The Eidolon saw the mortals had taken to the teachings of the other Eidolons and being molded by the others and life was perfect but Totrix said to the others that all their teachings and rules were not what the mortals wanted and all of the work could be torn down in twenty days.   The other Eidolons were outraged at Totrix but instead of violence, the devious Eidolon instead challenged the others pride and beliefs that the mortals were content with their life’s. So Totrix was given free rein to roam the land but could not force the mortals to change their way only able to let them choose their own path. Totrix agreed to this under one condition that if the Eidolon wins any mortals freed from the others belong to the lord of lust. But if the mortals proved to live up to the high expectations then Totrix would be not allowed to influence the mortals in any way and be locked away. Totrix then entered the mortal realm near a human kingdom whose name has long been lost to history. The city and its people where upstanding servants to the Eidolon Omni who Totrix had always had a dislike for Omni and would be the first to be made a fool.   Totrix charmed and shadowed demons in cloaks of vitality, and set them upon the favored Knights of Omni. Most of the knights failed to not fall for the charms of the beasts they claim to slaughter at will, even a few falling out of the graces of Omni by discarding their oath and leading lives with the foul creatures. Those souls soon belong to Totrix, and she moved onto the next Eidolon.   It didn’t take Totrix twenty days to corrupt mortals from each of the Eidolons. Soon Totrix had enough to play with and create a mortal race she wanted. She chose a serpent, something that was often used to depict her. Molding the humans and beasties alike she turned them into what was the Lamia. A serpent like creature, they danced and played, and most of all entertained her.   After the crusade of the Anucia Empire, they were mostly left untouched and alone, treaties enough for serving in the standing army, and to keep inside their old borders. It was fine with them, as the Lamia keep mostly to themselves and to their cities. The Empire allowed them to continue their slavery, barring any Humans or Elves from the Golden Coast or Blood coast were taken. They avoided the revolt, keeping to their cities, and causing people to question their numbers or if they even existed at all. The Drassi people even doubted they were real and some parts of the Drassi court still do.
Average Height
Males: 6-7ft upright Female: 6.5-7.5ft upright
Average Length
Males: 15-17.5ft Females: 16.25-18.75ft
Average Physique
The Lamia are serpent humanoids, having a long snake like body with human like torsos, snake like faces, and sometimes hair. There is a rare mutation where a Lamia will be born with a conjoined twin of varying degree the most common of this rarity being a dual head.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Coming varied and wide ranges of colors, some of which is passed down but most of it is like random mutations in coloration. Conjoined twins often have the same pattern but in very rare cases one half of the Lamia is wildly different pattern and/or color than the other half.
Magical Talent
  • Finding their best work in the magical arts being Illusion and Necromancy. Enjoying both schools of magic, though they may favor Illusion over Necromancy.
Facial characteristics
  • Slit reptile eyes and ear holes.
  • Hoods are rare. Feathers are a common feature.
Regions of Eiria
  • Varzik Mountains
  • Nepukz Valley
  • Jihx Waters
  • Khazin Mountains
Major Places/Organizations
  • Council of Ihboa
  • Dzibilchaltun
Dietary Needs & Habits
  • Carnivores
  • Often eat things whole or at least large quantities.
  • Dragon eggs are a prized delicacy.
Important Notes
  • Single eggs or less commonly 2-3 as a clutch, though multiple embryos can happen.
  • Low body temp, do not do well in cold climates.
  • Cities are heated via geothermal.
Historical Figures
Tizoc E'Purgia
The first in the line of Lamia Biram, put in power for his commanding hand and iron will when dealing with outsiders. It was with his will that the Lamia took the land they did and began building their underworlds. Finding the warmth of the underground and the protection it gave them.   Izel E'Iron Masters
Izel was known as the first true slave master, she was brutal and calculating. Rumors of her turning down a few marriages offer for higher status only to achieve it later on in life of her own accord. Finally settling down with her own clutch near the end of her life leaving her most valued and trusted slave in trust of her children.   Zyanya E'Purgia
One of the first from the line of Tizoc, she was the one to implement the birthing records and ways to trace lines as an importance of being a Lamia and for keeping the strict hierarchy she set in place. She was not known as a kind or good leader, but rather on par with the line of Izel E'Iron Masters. She also wouldn't take a partner till later on in life and entrust her heirs to someone else. Though that someone else would never be known.  
Interspecies Relations and Assumptions
No really caring for the politics of either the Elves or Humans so their feelings towards them tend to be tentative at best. While with the Fjorn, Drassi, Orcs, and Lycans they hold no ill will towards or well much more than knowing they exist and live on the same plane as them. With the Dwarves, Lyran, and Draconians though, they have a highly volatile relationship, while they could be fine traveling through cities, they are often imprisoned/enslaved for crimes whether or not they committed the crime. The only true enjoyed and well-kept race they interact with is the Ezana, finding their culture and people enjoyable, not to mention you do not upset those who transport your goods. Lastly, the Falkovian is not known to them and they currently do not have an opinion on them.


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