Kis' Character in Edt' Maji | World Anvil
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Kis', also referred to as Kis, the Eagle, or Halogen, is one of the six main gods of Atnonut's Universe. She rules over the Life and thus has control over the souls and bodies of living beings.


Kis' was formed by the splitting of Atnonut into six forms. The form given to Kis' was the one responsible for the control of the Life, one of the six forms of magic. She has the appearance of an angelic goddess. Kis' wields Kis' Staff, a mythic artifact able to create life from nothing.   She, along with the other gods, created Atnonut's Dimension, and within it, the Palace of the Gods, as their home. As a final touch to the dimension, Kis' created the Thunder Wyvern as the guardian of the palace. This marked the first spark of non-god life within Atnonut's Universe.   Together, the gods would later create the Eternal Fields. After the creation of the first two fields, the gods decided to populate the third field, Earth, with a new kind of life. They would split their being in the same way Atnonut once did to create many weaker clones of themselves. Kis' split herself to create the Elves, Angels, and Fairies.   During the population of the Eternal Fields, Kis' grew an addiction to the creation of life. After the forbidding of the creation of life by Jax' Middal, Kis' tried to hide this fact. Eventually, Kis' succumbed to her urges and created two new races of Godkin on Earth, men and giants. Kis' was quickly punished by Jax' Middal, who stripped the power from her, reverting her to pure magic. The gods banished that magic to a place between dimensions. After some time, that magic formed into Kis' Realm, a heavenly dimension that can only entered by individuals with Kis' blood and serves as the afterlife for Kis' descended Godkin. The actual death of Kis' is disputed by different religions. Some believe her to reside within her realm, others believe her to be reincarnated.


Kis' is seen as a very important figure among most of the Kis' descended Godkin. In the religions that she is worshiped, she is viewed as a motherly figure to life.   The worship of Kis' goes as follows:  

Pantheon of Men

Main Article: Pantheon of Men   The Pantheon of Men, followed by the Spies, worships Kis' as Kis, the Mother-ruler of the Life. A major part of her worship is the fact that she is the mother of life, specifically men. As the ruler of the Life, Kis has complete control over all aspects covered by the Life. She did not create it, instead she controls and rules over a pre-existing force.    

Old Elvish Pantheon

Main Article: Old Elvish Pantheon   The Old Elvish Pantheon gives totemic representations to each of their gods. Kis' is represented by an eagle and is referred to as one. She is worshiped as the Spirit of Knowledge and is believed to be the embodiment of knowledge itself.   Kis' is the most important deity within the Old Elvish Pantheon. Each one of her feathers is believed to contain the knowledge of a million minds. One of her believed feathers, the Quill of Kis', has been passed down by the royal family of the Light Elves for generations and has been used by different kings to write descriptive prophecies of future events.    

New Elvish Religion

Main Article: New Elvish Religion   The New Elvish Religion branched off from the Old Elvish Pantheon some time before the Migration to Maji. The New Elvish Religion stopped worshiping the other gods completely and only worshiped Kis', who was no longer represented by an eagle, but instead by her more common, angelic form.   The idea of Kis' feathers containing the knowledge of a million minds was retained and the Quill of Kis' continued to be passed down by the Light Elven royal family after the switch to the New Elvish Religion.    

Angelic Religion

Main Article: Angelic Religion   The Angelic Religion, followed by the Angels, believe Kis' to be reincarnated in the form of an Angel. The believed incarnate is given the title of Straten and rules over the Angels during his lifetime. If Straten is to die, the Angels will find a new incarnate to take the role of Straten.   The Angels do not recognize the existence of the other gods and do not believe Kis' to exist in her goddess form after her first reincarnation.    

Periodic Pantheon

Main Article: Periodic Pantheon   The Periodic Pantheon, followed by the Elementals of Elementia, worships Kis' as the god, Halogen. They believe her to correspond with the halogens and to have control over them.
Divine Classification
Circumstances of Birth
Formed from the splitting of Atnonut into six forms.
Circumstances of Death
Reverted to pure magic by Jax' Middal and banished to a place between dimensions.
Atnonut's Universe


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