Genasi Species in Edras, Cradle of Monsters | World Anvil
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A race of Soulborn with elemental power coursing through their blood. Known for their explosive personalities and their zest for life.  


Genasi generally take pride in their unusual features. Furthermore, because of their elemental power, most genasi feel a sense of superiority over other races and even over other genasi—including those of the same element.   Genasi rarely lack confidence, seeing themselves as equal to almost any challenge in their path. This certainty might manifest as graceful self-assurance in one genasi and as arrogance in another. Such self- confidence can sometimes blind genasi to risk, and their great plans often get them and others into trouble.   Too much failure can chip away at even a genasi’s sense of self, so they constantly push themselves to improve, honing their talents and perfecting their craft.   The personality of the typical genasi is a reflection of her or his core element. Fire genasi have inherited the volatile mood and keen mind of the efreet. As a result, they tend toward impatience and making snap judgments. Earth genasi have inherited some measure of control over earth, reveling in their superior strength and solid power. They tend to avoid rash decisions, pausing long enough to consider their options before taking action. They also suffer infrequently from cruel streaks or greed. Air genasi are as changeable as the weather; their moods shift from calm to wild and violent with little warning, but these storms rarely last long. The lapping of waves, the spray of sea foam on the wind, the ocean depths—all of these things call to the heart of the Water genasi. They wander freely and take pride in their independence, though others might consider them selfish.   Genasi have a strong ability to adapt and embrace change as an inevitability or even something to be relished. Even lawful genasi embrace this change, and genasi of all kinds value the possibilities the future might bring, such as new allies or new opportunities. In many ways, genasi are the most flexible of races, less stubborn and more willing to accept new ideas for better or worse.

Basic Information


Elemental earth manifests differently from one individual to the next. Some earth genasi always have bits of dust falling from their bodies and mud clinging to their clothes, never getting clean no matter how often they bathe. Others are as shiny and polished as gemstones, with skin tones of deep brown or black, eyes sparkling like agates. Earth genasi can also have smooth metallic flesh, dull iron skin spotted with rust, a pebbled and rough hide, or even a coating of tiny embedded crystals. The most arresting have fissures in their flesh, from which faint light shines.   Nearly all fire genasi are feverishly hot as if burning inside, an impression reinforced by flaming red, coal- black, or ash-gray skin tones. The more human-looking have fiery red hair that writhes under extreme emotion, while more exotic specimens sport actual flames dancing on their heads. Fire genasi voices might sound like crackling flames, and their eyes flare when angered. Some are accompanied by the faint scent of brimstone.   Most water genasi look as if they just finished bathing, with beads of moisture collecting on their skin and hair. They smell of fresh rain and clean water. Blue or green skin is common, and most have somewhat overlarge eyes, blue-black in color. A water genasi’s hair might float freely, swaying and waving as if underwater. Some have voices with undertones reminiscent of whale song or trickling streams.   Air genasi typically have light blue skin, hair, and eyes. A faint but constant breeze accompanies them, tousling the hair and stirring the clothing. Some air genasi speak with breathy voices, marked by a faint echo. A few display odd patterns in their flesh or grow crystals from their scalps.

Genetics and Reproduction

The child of a genasi and another Soulborn might show elemental traits. Thus, overtime, the elemental bloodline is diluted until it is no longer obvious in most individuals. However, every few generations, a child might display his or her elemental heritage as a genasi.   If two genasi of the same element were to produce offspring, the child is always a genasi of that element; if the couple was of differing elements, the child would take after only one of the parents. However, both elements would still present in the child's blood and might manifest in future generations.

Growth Rate & Stages

Genasi reach maturity around 18 years of age. Genasi possess a lifespan comparable with that of most Soulborn, reaching 75 years on average barring accident or violence. However, some genasi can randomly have life spans roughly 20 to 40 years longer than normal.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Genasi use the naming conventions of the elementals, usually in their native Elamlanni. They might later assume distinctive names to capture their heritage, such as Flame, Ember, Wave, or Onyx.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Though genasi can be extremely passionate in a way that might seem violent, the race as a whole has a love for family and friends, to the point that few genasi marriages end in divorce. Most genasi families are quite large, and the genasi as a whole look upon another genasi as a potential relative to the point of referring to those they meet as "brother", "sister", or "cousin". In genasi society, family plays an important role, likely in part because genasi can find it difficult to form new friendships and bonds. To most genasi, family bonds are the only ones that are truly reliable and it is far rarer for genasi to become alienated or estranged from members of their family. This is not to say that internal feuds and disputes don't happen, but the vast majority lead to only temporary divides, and family members spread over the world will eventually come looking for a reunion. Genasi parents go out of their way to ensure that their children have a chance to interact with genasi of other manifestations, thereby increasing their appreciation for the race as a whole. This is particularly true for families that are made of several manifestations rather than just one or two.


Genasi are the children of Balakshmara, the Sea of Sleet and Cinders. Four of their eight subraces were stolen by the elemental deities during the War of Souls - Sielach, Manem, Enmensur, and Oolene.
Balakshmara, the Sea of Sleet and Cinders
75 years
Average Height
5'7" – 6'2"
Average Weight
130–225 lbs.
Founding Emanation
Kossuth, the Firelord, Istishia, the Waterlord, Grumbar, the Earthlord, Akadi, the Lady of Air

Racial Stats

Genasi (Fire)

Genasi (Fire)

Ability Score Increase +2 Cha, +1 Int
Size Medium
Speed 30 ft.

Blazing Heart
You know the produce flame cantrip. When you reach 5th level, you can cast the heat metal spell once with this trait, requiring no material components, and regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells.
Fiery Gaze
As an action, you can choose a flammable object you can see within 30 feet of you that isn’t being worn or carried by anyone else and set it on fire.
Burning Sanctuary
While you are not incapacitated, creatures of your choosing within 10 feet of you (including yourself) have advantage on saving throws against spells that deal fire damage and effects caused by extreme temperatures.
Fire Resistance
You have resistance to fire damage.

Languages. Eolian and Elamlanni

Genasi (Water)

Genasi (Water)

Ability Score Increase +2 Cha, +1 Wis
Size Medium
Speed 30 ft., swim 30 ft.

Amphibious Body
Your elemental blood allows you to thrive above and beneath the waves. You have a swimming speed of 30 feet, and you can breathe air and water. You ignore any of the drawbacks caused by a deep underwater environment.
Water Surge
While immersed in water or standing in heavy rain or a pool of water, you can take the Dash action as a bonus action. Immediately after you use this trait to take the Dash action, you can choose a creature you can see within 10 feet of you. This creature can also take the Dash action as a bonus action until the end of their next turn.
Call to the Wave
You know the shape water cantrip. When you reach 5th level, you can cast the tidal wave spell once with this trait, requiring no material components, and regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells.
Acid Resistance
You have resistance to acid damage.

Languages. Eolian and Elamlanni

Genasi (Earth)

Genasi (Earth)

Ability Score Increase +2 Cha, +1 Con
Size Medium
Speed 30 ft.

Shifting Earth
You know the mold earth cantrip. When you reach 5th level, you can cast the spell Maximilian's earthen grasp once with this trait, requiring no material components. Once you cast it using this trait, you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells.
Mountain Pass
You have a burrowing speed of 15 feet which you can use to burrow through nonmagical, unworked earth and stone. While burrowing, you can leave a hole large enough for Medium or smaller creatures to follow unhindered.
You have advantage on ability checks and saving throws against effects that would knock you prone.
Stone Resilience
You have hard, rocky skin. When you aren’t wearing armor, your AC is 13 + your Constitution modifier. You can use your natural armor to determine your AC if the armor you wear would leave you with a lower AC. A shield’s benefits apply as normal while you use your natural armor. Additionally, you can't be petrified.

Languages. Eolian and Elamlanni

Genasi (Air)

Genasi (Air)

Ability Score Increase +2 Cha, +1 Dex
Size Medium
Speed 30 ft.

Unending Breath
You can hold your breath indefinitely while you’re not incapacitated.
Rushing Winds
You know the gust cantrip. When you reach 5th level, you can cast the warding wind spell once with this trait, and regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells.
Wind's Embrace
When you use your action to take the Dash action, you may fly up to your movement speed instead of walking. Immediately after you take this action, you can choose a creature you can see within 10 feet of you. This creature can fly up to their movement speed until the end of their next turn. Creatures flying in this way must land at the end of their movement or begin to fall.
Lightning Resistance
You have resistance to lightning damage.

Languages. Eolian and Elamlanni


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