Valese Ethnicity in Echora | World Anvil
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The Valese people were a human tribe and the second known ethnicity to settle in the territory that nowadays makes up the Kingdom of Valorden and have also populated most parts of Alesia, where they migrated from. The Valese travelled into the region of Valorden via the Coasts in the east.  


It is proven, that at the point of their migration at least the Rhodani tribes already had lived in the region of Valorden for a long while and the Brookhill Dwarves had begun settling in Brookhill at around the same time as first skirmishes between Rhodanes and Valese errupted.     The Valese were said to have been a consolidation of different tribes that have decided to flee the east to find new lands. It is them, who gave the territory and the subsequent nation its contemporary name and who ultimately pushed the Rhodanes into the Ronneval valley, before they too were absorbed into the Valese ethnicity over many generations. Few Rhodanes still live deep in the side valleys and in the The Morcannaid Massif but most of Valorden's population can consider themselves descendants of the Valese.   For reasons not entirely known and in contrast to Alesia, the Valese had amucj harder time finding foot in Valorden, which must have been to at least a large part because of the Rhodanes. While in Alesia social and economical systems had already taken root and set up, in the Valordan tribes were still tied up in warfare. This in combination with the mountain ranges and forests that isolate Valorden have lead to many Rhodani customs, especially religious aspects, to retain great importance in contemporary Valordan society, and it is what lead to the later decision of the Alesian Emperor to conquer Valorden to make it truly Valese once and for all.  


Be it organically or through conquest, many Valese traditions find themselves in Valorden. Two thirds of noble houses trace their lineage back to Valese chieftains. And as in Alesia, the common language spoken by humans is believed to be almost fully based in the Valese language, because of the similarity of its phonetics and alphabet, and borrowing little from Rhodani speech, which also did not have any written signs. Also many politic systems like the voting of the King and the annual landsmeet have been adapted from Valese customs.


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