Yondalla Myth in Ecadia | World Anvil
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Yondalla (Yon-dahl-ah)

Goddess of Nature, Mother of Beast, Matron of the Hunt, Yondalla represents all things natural for she is the one who created it. When the Gods arrived and the world was crafted, it was Yondalla who filled it with life, sure Moradin, Belenus and Sehanine may have forged the land, sea and sky but it was her who gave it all meaning. With a wave of her hand she grew trees, plants and wildlife, she spread colour across a dead empty land, then placed things to admire said colour, creatures to live, grow and die amongst her world, to give it all meaning.   Yondalla is depicted as a small, for a God at least, halfling resemblant being, she has beautiful if messy green hair that flows past her ankles, flowers and twigs growing from within. Dark coloured skin, like that of the moist soil covers her body and she wears a dress of beautiful natural leaves. It is said that if you spend enough time in the woods or forests of the world you can hear her whispers in the wind, in fact many spend their whole lives in isolation to try and hear but a whisper of the Goddess of Nature.   Moradin and Yondalla have a special relationship, a love full of rivalry, for they both pride themselves on their creations. Both try endlessly to show the other that their method, their toys, their craft is better, more fulfilling. Yondalla will plant a tree, nurture it to ancient status and marvel at it's size whilst Moradin will cut down said tree and carve it into a home for them both, Nature vs Craft. They often step on each other's toes and can be found at their own throats due to the nature of their opposition but undeniably they are a pair of Gods deep in love, at least as much as a deity can love something other than it's own creation.   Followers of the Goddess of Nature are drawn, rather intensely, to nature itself. They often choose places deep within forests, jungles, wilds where they are far away from the noise and interference of others and closer to their God's true form. These worshipers are more often than not druidic or at least well in tune to the natural order as hermits, small communities or villages, they tend to stay out of most political and modern problems choosing instead to become guardians of their respective area.


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