Sehanine Myth in Ecadia | World Anvil
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Sehanine (See-ha-neen)

Lady of the Moon, Goddess of Sea and Tide, Lady Light, Sehanine is worshiped for many things, all of which fall under the watchfull eye of the moon, for that is her domain.   In the beginning, when Moradin and Belenus crafted the world, everything was solid, warm, flooded with endless light and land with no rest, while they pondered what more their creations could need it was Sehanine who spoke up, who said "you have granted them such gifts, light to see, land to walk and call home, warmth to keep them safe, why not now grant them rest, somewhere to cool themselves and an obstacle to explore?" The Goddess then spreadforth, filling the land with water, creating seas and lakes, rain and snow, she plucked a stone from the ground, threw it in the sky to block out the sun and proclaimed it to be the moon, for half of time the sun shall disappear, and when it does her moon shall keep watch, providing enough light to protect but not too much to prevent rest. From then on Belenus and Sehanine existed in tandem, both keeping watch over half the world at a time, providing light and rest, fire and water when needed.   Those who have seen Sehanine describe her as beautiful, a humanoid shape of pure water and soft moonlight, her very presence seems to instill a sense of calm, illuminating illusions and soothing tempers, however she is not always so. As it is with the ocean so too can The Moon Goddess rage, her fury is relentless, pulling ships to her depths, flooding towns and cities and tearing down rock faces, she is a Goddess, more so than most, you want to keep happy, for then she provides nurturing water and healing light.   Sehanine finds many followers in places of healing and heavy water, many sea voyagers will offer prayer to her name in hopes she will look favourably upon them and their journey whilst people of medicine use her way with water to soothe and protect the injured. Unlike Belenus' clerics who practice the ways of cleansing fire to burn away illness and wounds moon clerics often refer to their Goddess' water to wash away infection, cool fevers and hydrate the body. There is much debate over who's methods are better, and who's God is the true deity of life as they both have the capacity to heal and to harm, no one side has ever proven to best the other and, like the deities themselves, find a tandem relationship with each other.


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