Meltharri Peaks Geographic Location in Ebresia | World Anvil
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Meltharri Peaks (Melth-are-e)

The Meltharri Peaks are a cluster of mountains located on the very northern end of the Montane Flat. They have been almost completely overtaken by the Ruthorian Empire, more particularly the city of Mantlemine, evicting most of the native creatures who used to live there.


The Meltharri Peaks are stony fold mountains and are only considered separate from Annam's Jaw due to the small mountain pass known as "Stendar's Pass" between them.


The Meltharri Peaks are the coldest peaks on the Montane Flat, being the furthest north of any of the mountains.

Fauna & Flora

Previously inhabited by kobolds, the Meltharri Peaks are now uninhabited by most sapient creatures who are unrelated to the Ruthorian Empire. It is a common nesting place for griffons who enjoy preying on traveler's horses making their way to Mantlemine.

Natural Resources

  • Minerals: Although partially depleted by previous mining inhabitants, the Meltharri Peaks are rich in precious metals and gemstones.
Mountain Range
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