Griffon Species in Ebresia | World Anvil
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A griffon is a large, ferocious, avian, carnivore with the muscular body of a lion and the head, forelegs, and wings of an eagle.

Basic Information


A griffon has the body of a lion with the head and wings of an eagle. The forelimbs of a griffon are often like those of an eagle, ending in sharp talons, but this is not always the case. Just as lions and eagles have varying physical characteristics based on where in the world they are found, so too do griffons. An adult griffon is about 8 feet (2.4 meters) long, with a wingspan of 25 feet (7.6 meters). The average griffon weighs about 500 lbs (230,000 g). Expectedly, griffons and their lairs exude a mix of two smells: a musky odor of great cats and the scent of falconer's mews.

Genetics and Reproduction

Griffons lay eggs, which are extremely valuable on the black market.

Ecology and Habitats

Griffons usually nest in mountains near grasslands where they can hunt their favorite prey, horses.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Griffons are carnivorous creatures. Their favorite animal to prey upon is horses. They often attack them when within sight or smelling distance.


Griffons are known to be somewhat intelligent creatures, though have a penchant for aggression. Young griffons are generally not combative.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

A griffon raised from birth can be domesticated to be ridden. This is why their eggs are so valuable, as it is considered impossible to tame them as adults. Even a griffon raised from birth isn't perfect, and their owners can have much difficulty controlling their aggression, especially around horses.
60 yrs
Average Height
5 ft
Average Weight
500 lbs
Average Length
8 ft long, 25 ft wingspan
Geographic Distribution


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