Nowhere County Organization in Eberron | World Anvil

Nowhere County

Nowhere was once unironic, before the lightning rail line there Baran's Keep was the only population center in the County, and the county was once named Faded County after it's bandit filled forest, and assorted ruins, as Baran's keep was quickly becoming as it's populace abandoned the useless fort once the truce with Zilargo was declared for the wooding villages of Starilaskur and Forked Wood Counties respectively. The name, as the 'city' is so fond of calling itself, has emerged to represent the desert oasis which has emerged thanks to being the Brelish Hub of the Orien Rail Network, connecting trade from Hatheril and North in Aundair and Thrane, as well as from the Southwest, Sharn and it's maritime trade, and to the East, Wroat, the capital, and previously, Cyre. Currently led their town council, made up largely of businessmen of various trade and logistics companies, as well as remnants of the so-called 'bandit kings' who now serve the various frontier towns along the rail route as mercenaries and lawmen for hire. A coalition has emerged lead by left-leaning Liberals, they have however allowed the liberal party to caucus right and form a center-right government. This has resulted in a lot of chaos, however, Lord Vorj ir'Tajar has united a thin liberal majority and earned his seat in parliament.
Geopolitical, County / March
Parent Organization