Bronze Bastion Settlement in EATTA | World Anvil
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Bronze Bastion

The Bronze Bastion is is a prime example of pre age of storms architecture its date of creation is some time in the early Dragon Age. It is the only city on the island of SCIATH that was still standing after the age of storms despite it being abandoned.   During the Age of Strife the Bronze Bastion was a highly contested subject none of the clans could agree on how best to use the Bastion or what clan was the owner of the bastion. At this point the Bastion was made into a trade hub used by all clans that agreed to help finance any repairs or expenses .This all changed with the Claim wars. With the rising tensions and potential for all out war with COGADHORD Clans. The Bronze Tower Clan made the choice to use the bastion as a fortress and main military base and capitol as a show of strength and unity.   After the Claim Wars it was still used as a capitol and trade hub. It was also used as a training center and military academy. With the Skarhir Confederacy/shield confederacy joining the KCMA and the Hoard war, it become a staging ground for alliance troops returning from the front.   Since the end of the Hoard war it has become home of the Alliance Academy a military school dedicated to training or retraining officers and troops who join the Alliance navy or other military formations.


Alternative Name(s)
Bronze fort
Location under

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