I'm a Kalashtar. You are a Kalashtar. Prose in East Marches | World Anvil

I'm a Kalashtar. You are a Kalashtar.

Nissa slowly sits up in her bed and pushes her hair back from her face. It'd been a good afternoon nap, and a long, unusually sober hour or two of just lying there, thinking. She'd been pondering this for a long time. Hesitating. Not sure what to say. Convincing herself there was a point to it. Now, it felt like the right time. Her connection with Tashtiri was becoming easier to feel. The Dreamer's true gift those months ago had been giving her a choice. Letting her own the connection. And now the words were coming together, and It felt like the memory would stick.   She focuses, tries to clear her mind while she gets dressed. Then she steps across the room, sits down in front of the mirror, and looks her reflection in the eye. Deep breaths, and...   “What's up. I’m Nissa.”   She pauses. Looks down at her hands. Then she reaches for her hair brush and looks at herself again as she tries to tame her bedhead. “Memenisse Elaine Anastasio, if you wanna get fancy.”   A pause, and she looks away from her face.   “But I’m considering shortening it to just... Nissa Tashtiri.”   She looks back at herself and stops brushing for a moment, putting her words together, then starts brushing again.   “I dunno for sure what makes a memory stick and show up in your sleep, but… I hope this one shows up somewhere. I hope, whoever you are, you get this memory this when you need it."   “These are memories. If you didn’t know. Shared across past and present amongst our entire bloodline. I didn’t know that for most of my life.”   She puts the brush down, sighs, and leans forward, her arms folded on the table in front of her. “I’m a Kalashtar. You are a Kalashtar. That means... It's.... Uh... There's this realm of dreams, Dal Quor, populated by spirits called Quori. Most of the Quori want to like... steal souls and keep mortal slaves and shit. But, one group didn't like that. Went to war to defend mortals and make the dream plane a better place. The rebels weren't winning, and they had to flee the realm of dreams. They found refuge by fusing with willing human souls. Those Humans were the first Kalashtar." She looks herself in the eye again. "And now every one of those peoples' descendants also share their souls with those quori. Each individual bloodlines all bonded with the same spirit as their first ancestor."   She takes a deep breath, sits back, and resumes brushing out her hair. “My Quori, my dream spirit, is named Tashtiri. And if you're seeing this, that means you're bound to Tashtiri too. Because what you're seeing is her memory. That’s what happens when you sleep. You’re severed from the Dal Quor. You can't dream, and instead you see a scatter shot of Tash’s memories.”   “…What I would have given to have someone explain that to me when I was a kid.”   "Anyways. That's why you're telepathic. That's why your dreams are weird. That's why... sometimes it feels like you've got two different wills inside your mind. Because you do." She sets the brush down - her hair not really done yet, but she's done with it - and reaches for a case of makeup. A little foundation. Eye liner. Black eye shadow and black lipstick.   “If… if you already knew all that, if you know what you are and live with others like us, uh…. Hi. My birth dad died before I was born. I never knew another Kalashtar until a year ago. I grew up with a Human family from a place called Eddria. Far, far away from Adar and Sarlona. I never even heard of Eberron until the last year or two.”   She pauses doing her makeup to look herself in the eye again. “I’m…. out here. In a land called Idriell, in a town called Vareholm. For now."   "From Tashtiri, to Tashtiri. I am Nissa Anastasio. And... Maybe we'll find each other some day." She blinks, then awkwardly tries to avoid eye contact with herself while she finishes her makeup. When it's all done, she looks herself over again, and isn't sure if she should make a face or something. Say hi? Say Bye? Is the memory still going? Where does it cut off?   Well... whatever. Hopefully the message gets out. Time to go out and think about other things.