Eddard and Nissa Prose in East Marches | World Anvil

Eddard and Nissa

A brief summary of some off screen happenings that took place over a couple months in the year 249, featuring Joana/Gat and Memnissa Anastasio - Tashtiri.
Sometimes you just don't feel like being yourself.   It's a common enough urge. Often when you mention it to unchanging folk, they look at you like you've grown a second head (which is a feat of shifting Gat had yet to witness, let alone accomplish). But it's a totally natural thing to a Changeling. Gat can't think of a single Changeling they know who doesn't feel the desire from time to time. If everyone had the ability to effortlessly go incognito when the whim strikes, they would. But, they suppose, when you can't change maybe you get so used to a single identity that the idea of seriously adopting a new one seems odd.   Either way, not being yourself means coming up with someone new. Not just changing into Kevin, or Laran, or Victoria. None of the alternate faces everyone knows as Joana. And, it's easy enough to just throw a face on and be anonymous, but they want to be someone here. Someone they might come back to. Someone with a name and a bit of history.   And thus was born Eddard. Average guy. Nice beard. Decent looking, but not too pretty. Some woodwork-adjacent history. Simple enough to just blend in around town.   For one reason or another, it seemed natural to have Eddard start showing up to Luster. Maybe it was something about that nightclub atmosphere that fit with the desire to feel like someone else, despite the fact that it's a small town and it's mostly the same faces there every night. Maybe they took some comfort being at their partner's establishment, one they helped build. Seeing it through new eyes. It was an odd thing, going anonymous under your lover's watchful eye. He could have just straight up told them, but that feels like it defeats the purpose. It took a week or two of hint dropping - talking about her occasional habit of being someone else and ordering a frankly ridiculous number of Smite Through the Hearts, the drink They had made in her name - but he was eventually confident that they'd gotten the message, and were ready to roll with it.    Nissa was, frankly, a bit desperate for fresh blood. The fling with Caleb Weatherstone was brief. Things got weird with his big romantic overtures on Valentines Day. Maizele was surprisingly fun, but even more brief, as she somehow managed to win Lani's heart soon after they'd hooked up. Then she had kind of a running thing with Dennis Halbert until he got a steady girlfriend, and things with Alan Freely were just... messy. And... Small town problems. There's only so many people, and the gossip mill goes so fast, and one mess becomes everyone's mess. And most of the adventurers in town just... haven't exactly been her type.   So, when a new guy shows up at the club, she takes notice. He's cute. He's a little on the older side, and hopefully less prone to drama. He's a good dancer, and a fun enough conversationalist, and he seems to enjoy flirting... to a point.   It's hard to get a read on him. At first, she assumes he's just shy. Maybe playing hard to get? But she's in no rush. She's willing to be patient. Maybe not too patient. Maybe she's gotten frustrated and laid it on a little thick from time to time, occasionally even prodding at him with her telepathy. But... even as she's worried she's scared him off, he still seems chill and friendly enough? Tough read.    Sometimes you just don't feel like being yourself. She'd always felt that way. Being Memenisse sucks. That's why she used to throw around Mem, or Elaine. Being weird or mysterious. Playing fortune teller with the hand flame and the weird dream shit.   But actual honest-to-god shapeshifting? That shit is great. It's... it's not always great. Sometimes you end up in a fucked up dream state as a glowing rainbow nightmare wolf, running back and forth through town with no memory. But hey, sometimes you get to just be a squirrel, or a dog or whatever. Sometimes you're a normal ordinary animal chilling around town and no one knows who you are and no one cares if you stick your nose up in everyone's business, and it's great.   What's more, you learn all kinds of things when you have an animal's nose. Humanoids don't know how to think with their noses. Heck, as a dog, she can learn things that her bird friends don't even pick up on. Like, the fact that Old Woman Anita has been secretly meeting up with Mr. Harrison to trade pills. Or that Dennis has been spending an awful lot of time burying something up in the poppy fields. And lots and lots of people who think they're being clandestine about shacking up with someone don't know how much another person's scent lingers on them.    And so it is, one day, as Eddard is out for a stroll, a curious dog wanders up to him. He puts on the 'dog voice,' like everyone does. Says hello there, you're a good doggie, can I pet you and all that jazz. He offers a hand, which gets eagerly sniffed. She endures a head pat or two for the chance to get a closer smell.   Sawdust, first of all. That makes sense. He said he's a woodworker, right? And then there's that piney loamy scent. It would be unassuming enough, if Nissa weren't so familiar with Dallia's magic. And then, on closer examination, there's more people. That's Nameless' scent. He reeks of Dallia and Nameless. And a hint of Maizele. But most of all, he smells like someone in particular.   <"Fucking hell, you're Joana!">   Eddard bolts up and steps back into a ready stance, one hand drifting towards what might be a concealed weapon. "What the fuck?"   The dog dances backward and whips its tail in a sort of smug wag. <"Ha! That reaction! You really are!"> Ed glances quickly this way and that, then squints at the dog. How can a dog look so smug? That's not a dog gesture, is it. Is this a trick, or is he really found out? He lets the gears churn for a moment. <".... Nissa?">   She circles over closer to him. <"And you're always hanging out at your... Pallyfriend's bar? Do they know? Are they in on it?">     He makes a face, and rubs his eyes. This is happening. She's not gonna leave him alone. <"Yes, they know. I don't think there's really any it to be in on.">   <"What, no psych experiment? Not running a grift? You just, what... put on your face to go out?">   He sighs and breaks the silence, "I mean... sorta. Sometimes you just wanna be someone else, you know?" And he starts walking.   Nissa the dog starts to follow, at a bit of a distance. She has to think on that for a moment. <"...Sure, that makes sense.">   Ed turns to look at her. Their eyes meet for a moment of recognition. He chuckles. <"Don't go ratting me out, now. I like this face. I don't wanna start from scratch just yet."> <"Psh. Yeah, sure, dude. I get it.">   There's a beat of silence, then Nissa dog dances out in front of him. <"So, is this why you never went for me? You guys are, like, 'open', right? Is it weird because I fucked your cousin?">   <"Nissa. I don't go around incognito to hook up with people I know. That'd be creepy as fuck. And you're not really my type. ....And yes it would be weird because you fucked my cousin.">   She grunts <"Fair enough,"> and then trots out ahead of him. <"Yeah, okay. I'll keep your secret, but I'm gonna pester you every time I see you like that.">   He rolls his eyes. <"Guess I can't stop you.">   <"Damn straight. See you around, 'Ed.'"> And then she scampers away to go do more dog things.    And that is the story of how Joana and Nissa developed a sort of loose background friendship, consisting mostly of brief telepathic conversations while Jo is going incognito.