Kaiyocea Geographic Location in Ealamkha'fif | World Anvil
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The world of water and the waves, home to Seafaring peoples, those living on islands, and those beneath the sea, Kaiyocea is not simply "the ocean". As like the others, Kaiyocea has a culture all of its own, with the importance of steady movement and free flow. Divided into many layers and areas of the world's great oceans, most of Kaiyocea exists in between the continents, encompassing most of the Middle Sea. Division between groups within the ocean is also common, with a places such as the Southwest Shoals laying claims to their own lands. Islanders, Ocean-dwellers and Seafaring people are all integral to the culture, economy and world, and interact constantly. Kaiyocea is by far the most militarily powerful, with their unique materials and location providing advantage in combat. Seen as a strict people by many, Kaiyoceans value flexibilty, but loyalty to one's ideals. Often characterized by their bureaucracies and soldiers, that reputation usually only belongs to some, with the common people of Kaiyocea being strange and fun-loving to most.
  Kaiyocean culture is actually a very fun loving and beauty oriented one, despite the mischaracterization that comes with several conflicts over the years. Kaiyocea's architecture is often bright as a coral reef, yet remains

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