Firearms Technology / Science in Ealamkha'fif | World Anvil
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Firearms do exist in Ealamkha'fif, and are differentiated from Arcanarms by being operated without magic, solely by ingredients and reactions. Existing for about two and a half centuries, a firearm is certainly not a common weapon to see, but most will have seen one or two in their life, not including any military weapons.
  Most firearms in Ealamkha'fif  are not powered by gunpowder, at least not in the modern day. Gunpowder is volatile and inflexible compared to modern reactions, despite it's slight advantage in power. These other ingredients were also mostly renewable, making gunpowder obsolete about 150 years after it's first use, as it increased in price and rarity. Most modern firearms are powered in one of a few ways -
  Kaiyocea  - The Nova Lobster first appears to be named that because of it's bright coloration. However, residents of the undersea parts of Kaiyocea know the real reason for that name - It's highly explosive claws. Nova lobsters use it to kill prey caught in their grasp, escape predators by propelling them backwards or blinding others of their species in territory fights. First used by an inventive druid far before the first firearm, the explosion is actually caused by two separate materials in top and bottom of the claws, which mix and cause an explosion in the water. Domesticated lobsters are trained to release the chemicals separately, and contained in metal containers, these chemicals are purified and sold, hooked up to Kaiyocea firearms and combined in the chamber. Differing from normal bullets, chemicals have to be refilled separately and bullets also bought separately, creating a customizability unique to Kaiyocea firearms. However, these firearms are bulky out of water, not the point of unusably, yet you will rarely see any Kaiyocea use their weapon to bludgeon enemies, lest the flasks be broken and leak.
  Terr'Aina  and Aerava  - Terr'Aina and Aerava share a common firearm ingredient - Blast Lilies. These small plants, distinguished by their bright orange petals and neon undertones, have a unique and self explanatory attribute. When the skin of the flower is broken in any way, a loud bang, bright flash and slight explosion occurs. This has been determined to be very likely a evolutionary defense against herbivores and blundering animals. When harvested from the stem, mixed with water, and heated over time, a thick liquid is created. Placed in molds of certain sizes called calibers, a semi-translucent solid is created. Extremely hard, this substance is called Spren and placed behind a metal piece (or pieces) usually in a metal case in Terr'aina, and in various different materials in Aerava . Used like a traditional bullet, the Spren is struck with a steel point and ignited, leaving no residue and launching the bullet.


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