Glaisein Settlement in Eadrana | World Anvil
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Glaisein is a dwarven city in the Snowshield Mountains.  


The Glaiseini are generally a practical people, and religion does not play a large role in their daily life. However, a few families cling to the old ways of Eleaimaihad. Eleaimaihad is seen as the mother of all dwarves (and, according to some, all people of Eadrana). She is in every part of the natural world, but offers herself to be shaped so her children can tame the world she has birthed. Her followers guard places where nature is pure and powerful, but also honor her by forging iron (which is considered her blood) or working the stone (which are her muscles).


Glaiseini live in a caste society based on two axes. A dwarf’s family determines their cuerid, or “calling”. Glaiseini dwarves are sorted into the following cuerid:  
  • Fherul (forge-hands): Fherul families are bound to professions of craftsmanship like blacksmith, carpenter, and weavers.
  • Aedwin (clear-minds): Aedwin are dedicated to trades of the mind and academic pursuit: scientists, academics, technicians.
  • Geirling (stone-harvester): The Geirling are the caste tasked to reap the land’s fruit, be it the crystal-clear water, juicy mushrooms, or the ore from the heart of rocks.
  • Mhulverein (silver-mouth): The Mhulverein are the diplomats, merchants, and emissaries of Glaisein. Any profession that requires social skill is their domain.
  • Chulainni (other-souls): The Chulainni of Glaisein are dedicated to roles that require a connection with the supernatural, be it arcane magic or a link with the divine.
  The family a Glaiseini is born into dictates their cuerid. Rebelling against your cuerid is a taboo, and those who do it too publicly are removed from their family. These caillu (forfeited) are brought beyond the city gates and are forbidden entrance to Glaisein. The Chulainni is the only cuerid a Glaiseini can change to from another calling. Should any dwarf show the necessary skills and aptitude, they are allowed to forfeit their family’s calling and become an other-soul.   The other axis is called aidhavin, or “mastery”. Each dwarf proves their mastery in their cuerid, and can have their deeds recognised by a council of masters of their cuerid. A Glaiseini dwarf progresses through the following ranks of aidhavin:  
  • Atach (novice, literal “child”)
  • Leanach (adept)
  • Oidhe (tutor)
  • Priohm (master)
  • Priohmainni (grandmaster, literal “master’s soul”)
  Most Glaiseini never achieve an aidhavin beyond oidhe, at which point they become teachers to other members of the calling. Families with multiple priohm or even a priohmainni in their lineage are honored by the entire city.   Visitors are welcome to the city, but every non-dwarf is considered an outsider. Outsiders are only allowed to exercise a craft as assistant to a dwarf with a cuerid and aidhavin, and cannot legally possess their own dwellings or workplaces.


The aidhavamir is the ruling body of Glaisein. Each cuerid is represented by seven members of their calling, chosen in elections every twenty-five years. Each cuerid elects their own members of the aidhavamir, and election procedures can differ between each calling. The aidhavamir passes, speaks, and executes law. To ease their own burden, the council can appoint judges that represent them. These judges in practice oversee most of the daily legislative work.


In the Windswept Halls (Tallu Paraig), the Glaiseini and visitors come to trade and sell their goods. The Halls are a massive, circular area in the heart of the city, a dome of glass over it to show the northern skies above.   In each cardinal direction, an elevator leads down into the mines below. Only Glaiseini of the Geirling, or members or representatives of the aidhavamir are allowed below.   In the Leig-Mhanach (Gem’s Reflections), the brightest scholars study, catalogue, and bicker about all the topics of philosophy and science.   At Tallu Mhudhavir (Hall of Transitions), the transmuters of Glaiseini delve ever deeper into the arts of alchemy and transmution.


Glaisein is one of the three great dwarven cities in the Ulmark. It was founded in the Era of Wanderers by the ghach-thein (high king) Eideard Uidhir. In those times, Glaisein was a fortress of the old deep empire of the dwarves. From here, the dwarves of old battled against the ancient drow which came through the Underdark from beyond the Snowshield Mountains. A few generations after the war with the drow, the dwarves fell into a civil war known as the War of the Shattered Crown. Eventually, the three dwarven strongholds became their own city-state, and Glaisein grew over the centuries from fortress to successful mining and trade city.
Approx. 14.000
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