40: Legendary Heroes Report in Eadrana | World Anvil
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40: Legendary Heroes

General Summary

Narrowly escaping the crumbling temple, the party along with Harshnag, Cinderhild and Ilmatar wonder what just transpired. Ataraxia starts her usual Commune spell to ask questions of Mnemothos. This time, the entire core party shares in a vision with her deity, who speaks directly to them.
  Acknowledging the party's efforts at what seemed like disparate threads, Mnemothos provides a fuller picture. A group of legendary heroes, Macenia's Pledge, once sealed the Voidbringer who was responsible for manipulating the War of the Burning Skies. This magical seal is founded on three 'chains'. The first 'chain' is the Ordning, the hierarchy established to prevent the giants' destructiveness. The second 'chain' is comprised of the power of the ancient Ur-Trees. Parvana is familiar with one tree which shares the name, and seemingly the spirit, of a member of Macenia's Pledge, the half-orc Alotha Wildsong. The third 'chain' is a vow made by another member, Moirai the trickster changeling, to never allow the Ring of Winter to reach the Summer Queen.
  The final two members of Macenia's Pledge are Vaalukhan, a human who swore eternal vigilance of the Ashen Threshold and the companion he loved, Perdan who is revealed to be Mnemothos' earlier mortal self. Iymrith's instigations to shatter the Ordning thus serve her goal of releasing the Voidbringer. Restoring King Hekaton to the Wyrmskull Throne could reforge the broken 'chain'. The party decides to seek Jarl Storvald's Horn of Teleportation to reach Maelstrom to search for King Hekaton.
  Cinderhild leaves the group, not disavowing her father's (Duke Zalto) aim to rebuild the Vonindod and secure supremacy of the fire giants. Harshnag agrees to help confront the Jarl and will travel over the mountains to lead the group through the Sea of Mirrors to the Jarl's domain. The group will return to Glaisein and arranges for a guide to take them through the Malmhin Tunnels and past the Snowshield Mountains. In exchange for free passage, the party agrees to protect the guide in the exploration of new paths recently uncovered by earthquakes.  

Locations mentioned

  • Snowshield Mountains 
  • Temple of the Oracle
  • Sea of Mirrors 
  • Glaisein (Motherlode Tavern, Tallu Paraig/Windswept Halls, Gem's Reflections)

Character(s) interacted with

  • Harshnag
  • Cinderhild
  • Ilmatar
  • Mnemothos
  • Raghnall, representative of the Gem's Reflections organization overseeing the Malmhin Tunnels
  • Isbeill, hired guide
Campaign Date(s)
9-11.7, 412 ERS

Report Date
07 Mar 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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