36: Glaisein Report in Eadrana | World Anvil
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36: Glaisein

General Summary

The dwarven city of Glaisein, built into the base of the Snowshield Mountains welcomes the party, who meets up with Elidh for a small reunion. Taking advantage of the shops in the Windswept Halls, the party gets supplies for their upcoming trek. Vincent and Navy are interested in supplies of the arcane nature, but are unable to deceive their way into the Hall of Transitions after hearing only select few with specific credentials are allowed in. They party also encounters two drow travelers who say they're also traveling through the mountains, similarly dressed like the drow they encountered in Xhuveria on Kheleku.
  Ahriman in particular takes the opportunity to privately thank Eilidh for delivering a letter on Ilmarinen's behalf. That night, the quori sends him dreams conveying joy and diverging selves and paths, ending with a visage of a Knight of the Harvest bearing the paladin's face. Ataxaria gives Navy a magical gem taken from Constance Verindin, which he later finds out harbors an infernal conjuration spell.
  The group, led by Harshnag, ascends into the mountains the next day. They make steady and careful progress until one precarious path that resulted in several tethered members to slip and start falling. Garin stops their fall by piercing the mountainside with his clawed appendage while clever magic is applied to resolve the danger. As the sun sets and the party looks to set up camp, they successfully fend off a pack of Winter Wolves.

Locations mentioned

Character(s) interacted with

  • Eilidh
  • Harshnag 
Campaign Date(s)
6-7.7, 412 ERS

Report Date
17 Jan 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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