49: Bells of Port Maredun Report in Eadrana | World Anvil
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49: Bells of Port Maredun

General Summary

Upon the Broker's entrance of Adaramantiana's parlor, Garin's possessed arm compels him to savagely attack. During the one-sided fight, the Broker's elven visage breaks to reveal a red-skinned, horned devil who 'dies' and dissolves into ash. Constance, who was also attacked by Ahriman before showing any hostility, is shielded by Ataraxia who called for an end to the fighting before temporarily exorcising Thalgannath. Constance seems knowledgeable about Garin's demon and its drive to hunt devils. She explains she has no qualms about the Broker's true self, provided she continues to receive his respect and recognition for her arcane abilities.
  Meanwhile, Navy and Ahriman are sent on a covert mission to retrieve a dangerous artifact (a Devastation Orb) picked up by Ambassador Bellfaunt and kept on a small Morgardian ship in Port Maredun's harbor. Disguised as Constance and a Morgardian soldier, they infiltrate the ship, recover the item and escape. As the harbor's bells ring, announcing a theft has taken place, the party leaves the city and hides for several days in nearby forest.
  The party organizes a reunion with the Cloudpiercers and the crew of the Tortoise since Runekeeper Jahani had shared they were in the region. After collecting Harshnag, they share they've been in skirmishes with Morgardian warships and have answered Breaktooth's call for mercenaries against the Morgardian expansion.

Locations mentioned:

Character(s) interacted with

  • Adaramantiana 
  • The Broker 
  • Constance Verindin 
  • Keldan Grey 
  • Harshnag 
  • Qal and the crew of the Tortoise 
  • Runekeeper Jahani and the exiled Cloudpiercers
Campaign Date(s)
16-19.7, 412 ERS

Report Date
25 Jul 2021
Primary Location

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