32: Keldan's Belongings Report in Eadrana | World Anvil
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32: Keldan's Belongings

General Summary

The party concludes 2 weeks of downtime, agreeing to reconvene in Forthhaven on 19 Stisom, 412 ERS. Garin is not present and upon failure to reach him through arcane means, the party prepares to depart for Brisburg, now occupied by Morgard where he had planned to scout.
  The party bids farewell to Qal aboard the Tortoise. The Tortoise will soon sail for Whalestone Bay or Port Maredun in search of business opportunities. Qal expresses lingering concerns about references to her being a 'Stormblood' in Xhuveria. Ataraxia shares that the current Storm Caller is at least not a direct relation to Qal.
  Concurrently, Garin awakens imprisoned in Brisburg Barracks, after discovering Throd and subsequently getting arrested. Throd and core members of the Grey Company (Garin's former mercenary company) were thought to be dead. Garin confronts his former commander Keldan, who alluded to providing the Grey Company and its core members a second chance after death and glory in the service of Morgard. Upon hearing the intercepted arcane messages intended for Garin, the fighter attacks Keldan but ultimately decides to 'join' him to seek answers.
  On 22 Stisom, the party arrives in Brisburg and locates Garin from a distance. They track him and Keldan to City Hall, where they'll meet with Mayor Antonius Steltheim, Archmage Velazarat Thendor and Commander Vereena Pembroke. Ahriman telepathically communicates with Garin from a distance, hearing details about their meeting. Keldan plans to leave Brisburg with Garin in a day or two, to make a case in Morgard for further expansion towards the dwarven strongholds of Fuirigh and Mhannain.
  After Keldan leaves, the remaining members seem to be working to undermine Morgard's occupation and covertly supporting plans to liberate Brisburg. Commander Pembroke agrees to meet with Garin's companions at the Headman's Drink.

Locations mentioned

Character(s) interacted with

Campaign Date(s)
19-22, 6. 412 ERS

Report Date
29 Nov 2020
Primary Location

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