The novel's concept in E L A Q I T A N | World Anvil

The novel's concept

The worldlink

If you have read Part I, you know the very origin of mankind.

But there are still secret connections between Elaqitan and the earthly world almost six millennia later - be it through legends and myths, through mythical creatures that have found a way to the earthly world themselves or through people who secure the entrances to Elaqitan.

Learn more about it in upcoming worlds.
Not all people left Idaka. Some stayed and merged with the cultures of elemental creatures. Most Homo Elaqitanii migrated to the vast Misty Wilds, where they maintained little contact with the other inhabitants of Elaqitan. There they gathered their strength, subdued Idaka and established two great empires. Over time, their will to conquer the rest of Elaqitan grew stronger, and war broke out between the humans and the Elaqitanians.
A humble Elaqitan was sent on a journey to search the mundane world for Ascended.

The novel begins with the visitor's arrival in Dresden in the 18th century. (Prologue ). 200 years later after the end of World War II, Germany is bombed and occupied. Here the visitor finds the chosen ones who have to decode a book together to find the way to Elaqitan.


Exodus of the people - Visitor leaves Elaqitan - Chosen find way to Elaqitan


Structure of the novel

Narrative structure

The action takes place in three levels:

  1. Life in Dresden in 1948
  2. Book with his antecedents to Elaqitan
  3. Adventures in Elaqitan
The actions alternate between the three levels, leaving boundaries between reality and "fantasy" blur.
Main characters

The twins Clara and Moritz Bokelberg and their cousin Seraphine von Amnitz try to solve the riddle with the help of the bookworm Wendelin Ambrosius zu Bücherfelde.

What roles do Oleg Kaczinski and Nepomuk von Marinau-Flüsterburg play?

Do the travelers find support from Athril of Âdocôris, the Layini Tiala, the Teshan juggler Kalit and the water dragon Luhu?

Is it possible for the humans Arishta, Iltani, Ninsu and Amar-Sin to change?

The plot consists of a main plot and four subplots:

  1. Solving the mysteries of the elements, journey to Elaqitan, search of the chosen ones, fight against humans to save Elaqitan
  2. Amalia Bokelberg's real-world conflict with her father, who is keeping a secret
  3. "Spy" of the humans between Elaqitan and the real world
  4. Actions of the 4 human siblings to seize power and subdue the Elaqitans
  5. "Forbidden" love between an Elaqitanian and one of the 4 siblings

Cover image: Das Konzept des Romans by Blue Fairy 74 - Midjourney-Collage


Author's Notes

Lieber Leser, falls Sie Anregungen haben, was unbedingt in diesem Artikel ergänzt werden müsste, würde ich mich sehr über Ihren Kommentar freuen.

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Mar 28, 2023 08:10

Mir gefällt die Idee das du sowohl dem Leben in Dresden, als auch dem Leben in Elaqitan Zeit einräumst, ehe die Protagonisten dort auftauchen.
Erinnert mich an eine Mischung aus Narnia und der Unendliche Geschichte und Sturmzeiten(Wilde Lupinien-) Klingt reizvoll!
Aufgrund der vielzahl der Hauptprotagonisten wäre interresant welche Erzählstruktur du wählen möchtest? Omnisicht wie in einer Märchenerzählung (Unendliche Geschicht) oder Personenbezogene Kapitel mit eingeschränkter Gedankenwelt des jeweiligen Highlight Charakters (Lied von Eis und Feuer / Die Elfen / Die Zwerge) oder wird alles aus der Sicht eines einzelnen Charakters erzählt (Noir-Romane)?

Have a look at my entries for:
  • moonflower-writing's Food, Glorious FOOD! Unofficial Challenge: Lende a la Terascoa
  • BasicDragons's Unofficial Dragon Challenge 2024: Parg-nél'rush, der Walddrache
  • DaniAdventures Romance-Ception! Challenge Ballade von der Silberelfe
  • My Adventure April short story Einer dieser Tage
  • Mar 28, 2023 17:10

    Oh Nightone, eiskalt erwischt! Vielen Dank für Dein tolles Feedback und sehr guten Hinweis. Bisher hatte ich nicht wirklich über die Erzählperspektive nachgedacht, sondern eher drauf losgeschrieben. Aber es ist wohl ein Mix aus Märchenerzählung (Vorgeschichte aus dem Buch) und personenbezogene Kapitel (Abenteuer in Elaqitan). Ich werde es im Text ergänzen, wenn ich noch einmal sorgfältig darüber nachgedacht habe. Viele Grüße Blue

    Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.

    Psst join the Copper-Party during Summer Camp 2024 and I would be very happy if you would celebrate my SC contributions with me.