Session 77: Servants of the Magistratum Report in Dyrn | World Anvil

Session 77: Servants of the Magistratum

General Summary

Battle ensues as Morthak and the Magistratum mage Adem Nothol join in an unlikely alliance to try and ameliorate the bloodshed.   Session Commenced:
The 21st day of Cyt, 1622 TER
(Day 538 of the campaign)   Session Concluded:
The 21st day of Cyt, 1622 TER
(Day 538 of the campaign)
  69 days since Departing Phandalin.
  As a large, orcish warrior of some sort made a connection with Morthak, the battle hung on a knife-edge. The spellcasters of the Wildcards felt many of their spells stymied under a veil of magical silence. The orcish soldier moved to interpose himself between the Wildcards in their cell and the Bazkhi guards, motioning for both sides to stand down.   Suddenly, mayhem ensued. Skulk, taking advantage of the hulking orc blocking view of the cell door, rapidly picked the lock open again, shoving the door forward. The orc remained unmoved, until Phaes narrowed her eyes, concentrating and shoving him aside with the power of her mind, before rushing the door and charging the assembled guards. As the orc stumbled, Gemris took advantage of the opening to rush through a gap, tumbling headlong further into the gladiator pits, out of the zone of silence, and finding her voice once more, praying a swarm of Spirit Guardians into existence. One of the agents of the Magistratum, a human cleric, was enthusiastically impressed as she swatted several of the spectral hornets away, before freezing Phaes in place before the guards.   Seeing the fight spiralling out of control, the crossbowmen unloosed their bolts, peppering both Skulk and Gemris with a hail of bolts. Skulk shrugged them off, lunging at the tiny gnomish fellow who appeared to be the source of the magical silence, and the two tiny lithe forms began exhanging blows.   Mortak and the orc both managed to stumble out of the zone of silence, long enough for each to bellow to their compatriots to stand down. As Skulk and the gnome continued to scuffle, Galindann, Gemris, and the orc stared each other down warily, hands on weapons. Several of the guards fell to Gemris' guardians, and the cleric bent to try and drag them away from the aura of destruction as once more the orc implored them to stand down.   Back in the cell, a new form drifted into view, seen by Sofia initially, then everyone else. A silent Tiefling, the upper right of his body marred and disfigured by what appeared to be shards of glass protruding from his skin, the spellcaster gestured at the cell and suddenly the torchlight was diffracted through one of the glas shards into a kaleidoscope of scintillating patterns that threatened to charm the remaining inhabitants. Sofia, however, was too wrapped up in the sight of the tiefling, and Skulk too invested in his fight with the gnome, for the spell to take affect.   Outside the cell, rapid negotiations began as the orc identified himself as Adem Nothol, an agent of the Third Company of the Magistratum. Gemris demanded that he drop the silence so they could speak in good faith, and Adem marched back into the cell, separating both Skulk and the gnome, before making some sort of handsign which the gnome recognised, glowering at Skulk, before the silence dropped.   Skulk was enraged, refusing to engage, accusing the Magistratum of being murderers and child-killers. Striding into the pits, accompanied by a cleric and more guards was a Magistratum archmade, Gaven Shadaz, who coolly demanded that the Wildcards surrender. At their refusal, he offered to release Galindann as demanded by treaty between the Magistratum and the Order of the Shield, even offering to allow the Order to provide assistance to the Wildcards should they come peacefully. Some sort of strange cleric who accompanied the Magistratum forces surreptitiously indicated to Gemris that he possessed something remarkable - a portion of Spell's construction his docent.   Skulk countered, requesting that they be allowed to come under the custody of the Seven Suqs of Bazkhi, letting an independent court hear make a ruling. Shadaz refused, telling them they could return to the empire peacefully, or over a mountain of corpses.   As tempers threatened to flare again, Adem Nothol intervened. He began removing his armour, offering himself as surety - he would accompany the Wildcards into the custody of the Magistratum until their hearing, as a hostage. Morthak counseled Skulk that, now that Mylla was safe, perhaps it was time to face the Magistratum lest, they forever be pursued by the Empire. Reluctantly, the remaining members of the Wildcards agreed, as Skulk and the gnome, identified by Adem as Tithor, stared daggers at each other.   A resolution at hand, Adem called the group, which he referred to as the Third Company Irregulars - Tithor Zei, the gnome, Shoshei Wren, the human, and Chambra, the tiefling - and ordered them to return to the Grey Tower, leaving Shoshei in command. As Shoshei completed a prayer and the rest of the Irregulars teleported away, Shadaz summoned the Wildcards together. Drawinfg a book from his robes, he appeared to complete a series of complex calculations, before casting a spell and tranporting the Wildcards back to the Empire, to the city of Tor Sionis, in the Principality of Sionis.   As the teleportation faded, the Wildcards found themselves in a large, marble-lined circular chamber, a rich circular carpet beneath their feet and a ring of arrow slots above their heads. Shadaz and a company of guards led the Wildcards through a series of corridors in what the group assumed was the Grey Tower that the Magistratum agents had referred to. Finally their reached their destination - a large suite, comfortably appointed, but warded from magic. Learning from their captors that Spell was still alive, although refusing to cooperate with the Magistratum, the entire group elected to stay together rather than find themselves separated. Adem joined them, and as they began settling in and binding their wounds, some debate ensued about the motives and realities of the Magistratum that Nothol served.  


The Third Company Irregulars (Archmage Gaven Shadaz, Adem Nothol, Chambra, Shoshei Wren, Tithor Zei)

Tor Sionis Inspirations


Character(s) interacted with

Adem Nothol   Tithor Zei   Shoshei Wren   Chambra   Gaven Shadaz
Report Date
02 Mar 2022
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Northern Terrenos
Northern Terrenos, from the frozen northern reaches south to the tropical isthmus of Terrenos.