City of Cloth Bazkhi Settlement in Dyrn | World Anvil

City of Cloth Bazkhi

An ancient city on the border of the Howling Sands, the City of Cloth is mostly ruins, with permanent and semi-permanent tents erected in and around those ruins. A thriving center of trade, the City of Cloth sees trade routes from Bocholia, Great Zesh and the Empire meet. It is said that anything can be purchased from the Many Coloured Bazaar.


The City of Cloth is ruled by a Caliph. This Caliph is selected by vote from the Seven Suqs, seven senior and wealthy lords of the city. The Caliph sets laws based on petitions from the wealthy of the city by royal decree, and is advised by the Seven Suqs.   In sometimes opposition to the Seven Suqs is the Mercantile Chamber, a union of wealthy traders. Admission to the Mercantile Chamber is by tithe, and together they control much of the peasantry of the city through land ownership.  

Traditions and Taboos

While bartering and haggling is expected and encouraged within the markets and establishments of Bazkhi, haggling over water is taboo. The price of water within the city from the various wells is closely regulated by the Caliph and the Seven Suq's, and is referred to as the "Suq's Price."

Fighting Arena

Bazkhi has a strong martial history. It has been invaded and conquered multiple times in it's history. As such, many mercenary groups have headquarters and/or barracks within the city and competing within the arena grants great social standing.
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