Machine Men Species in Dungar | World Anvil

Autome 20th, 22221

Machine Men

Machine Men is the generic umbrella name given to the various non animal-based sapience that were originally invented by the Volognomes of Lockgear to due jobs to dangerous for them to handle. From there they extended into warfare and then into ways of extending a person's life beyond their years. There are many differences between each of the major groupings of the species.

Basic Information


All machine men share (at least initially) a humanoid form mimicking larger forms of their original creators.

Growth Rate & Stages

As non-living things, they do not grow. They do not age. They are just fully functional the moment they step off the assembly line. Age does not affect them like living creatures with proper maintenance and replacement parts. As long as their Artificial Brain stays intact, they can survive forever.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Machine Men do not consume food and water like normal organic creatures. Instead, they are reliant on a power source. This engine can vary from model to model; however, without this, they can't function.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

All machine men have some form of a Artificial Brain granting at least some intellegence to the owner.

Civilization and Culture


Most machine men are treated at worse like slaves and at best 2nd class citizens in most societies throughout Dungar. Only the Gearforged who were once alive have rights in most areas that is if they can tell the difference between them and say a Warforged. In some areas like the Dark Lands the Nightlanders treat most of them better than most. Only the Volognomes will recognize a fully sentient AI. In other locations most have to pretend to be a Gearforged.

Composite Plating

Genetic Ancestor(s)
Related Organizations
Related Ethnicities
Related Technologies


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