Ulysses Zeigran Character in Dunaterra | World Anvil
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Ulysses Zeigran (YOU-liss-us ZEE-grin)

Lieutenant Major and commander of the Marstoli Military units within Fort Marstol itself. Reports to Marvin Stovall  Ulysses is a middle-aged dwarf with short, blond hair, a blond beard, and tan skin. He is roughly 5 feet tall and stout, with a slight belly and muscular arms and shoulders. He carries a large maul on his back and wears clean, simple armor with a small designation to his rank.   Ulysses is gruff, competent and good-humored, with a reputation of being easy to work with and making people feel comfortable quickly. He has a habit of speaking his mind, much to the annoyance of General Stovall and to the amusement of Anton Russo. He has a big belly laugh and is more than happy to get directly involved in problems, to the point that his officers often need to physically step between him and the potential for conflict when dealing with particularly difficult individuals.   A humble man, Ulysses prefers to be called by his first name rather than his military title whenever possible. Despite his position and prestige, he chooses to live in the same military bunkers as his men, though he was finally convinced to take an officer's room at the end of the hall. Military personnel have very high respect for him as he is one of their greatest advocates, and can drink most of them under the table (albeit responsibly).


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