Marstoli Military Military Formation in Dunaterra | World Anvil
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Marstoli Military

Standing military of the Marstoli Commonwealth. Appx 300,000 active duty members, though almost half are active as military police/city guards in the cities of the Commonwealth. Under command of Marvin Stovall.   All eligible young adults of fighting age and ability are encouraged to 2 years of service in the Marstoli military when coming of age, though there are occasionally exceptions and allowances made. Members who complete their two years may continue in active duty or retire. Those who continue in active duty take shifts as military police/city guards, with a shift lasting half a year, and the other half as a reserve. Members may choose to transfer specifically to city watch duty, which allows them to raise in the ranks for a particular city that will be their permanent residence. All active memebers may be called on at any time for military response should the need arise.   Military members are paid generously and treated well, and most receive respect in their position as city guards. While they generally have a positive relationship with citizens, they are also fairly strict, and have a 0 tolerance policy for aggression and insubordination. Due to their close proximity with the public, they are held to a very high standard, and members found abusing their power are punished severely.


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