Crownlands Geographic Location in Dremlia [Old] | World Anvil



The Crownlands, called so for being the home of the first Human ruler, are the western most of the known lands in Dremlia. Along with the Shattered Isles and the mysterious land of Dregvast, the Crownlands are one of the only substantial masses of land that are not connected to the mainland. Like the Grasslands, the Crownlands are known for it's lush greenery and forests. The Crownwood Forest and Black-Mist Forest are the two largest forest within the Crownlands. On the northwestern coast sits the Dragon-Spine Mountains, from which flows the St. Eldor River into Lake Eldor. To the south, the Grey Cliffs boarder the Desert of Ash, a barren wasteland covered in volcanic ash, as the name would suggest. Lastly, the Crownlands are home to the only known active volcanoes in Dremlia, the Pillars of Flame.


The Crownlands are renown for its nice temperate climate, perfect for the growth of delicious fruits and golden wheat. The stability of the land's climate makes the Crownlands a desired place to live, or at the very least vacation in. With cool winters and warm summers, the Crownlands are known to have some of the best weather of all the lands, which give an advantage to occupations that rely on a stable weather pattern, such as farming or fishing.
Alternative Name(s)
West Auris
Included Locations
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
Related Traditions
Inhabiting Species


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