Introduction to Dragon's Bane in Dragon's Bane | World Anvil

Introduction to Dragon's Bane

Written by Sierra Brown.


A primer and introduction to the Dragon's Bane setting for RPG use.

RPG Player

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A continent created by and ruled over by the great Draconic Pantheon. For nearly two thousand years, Kernier and its people have grown and been shaped by the Dragon Gods, living in relative peace and harmony among each other. Across the lands, however, a new power begins to grow. To the west, the Kingdom of Sernia worships their new deity known only as The Creator while enslaving and killing the 'lesser races' of Elves, Dwarves, Gnomes, and Drakon. To the east, the once secluded Drakon have embarked on a campaign of conquest, invading Keliador, Antioch, and Krasi under the command of Lord Skyli Hesioni. The Dragon Gods find their power failing them as war envelops the mainland.


Shut out by the growing might of a new god, the Pantheon turns to the people of Kernier. The Dragon Gods are each seeking a champion - Someone worthy to wield their power and fight back against The Creator. Will you be one of them?


The Setting

Dragon's Bane is a homebrew setting and campaign intended for play in both Pathfinder and D&D 5e. As a player, you'll take the role of one of several persons in Sernia chosen by the Draconic Pantheon to combat the growing threats in their land. Each god has its own champion, but not every champion knows they have been chosen. Who chose you? And will you agree to serve your chosen purpose, or rebel and use your newfound prowess for yourself?


Playable Races

Kernier itself may be a diverse land, but Sernia is not. Humans following the growing religion of The Creator control this region. By the laws of this new god, non-divine spellcasters are forbidden, and non-human races are either enslaved or put to death. If you wish to exist here, you must be able to blend in - Either as a human, a non-human with a means of disguise, or a servant to a human. The availability of playable races is also limited compared to other fantasy settings - Kernier is home only to Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Drakon, Gnomes, and Halflings. However, there are rumors of other races out there, hiding among the common populace... Perhaps your GM might know of them?


Where You Start

Every player character will have their own background, origin, and goals, but each one of you was drawn to the city of Dulak and its infamous Green Wyvern Tavern. Was it a contract? Wanderlust? Rumors? Or has your god already sent you on your quest? Perhaps your god is guiding you and you don't know it yet? Either way, you, and your future comrades all find yourselves in the Green Wyvern, with your first job in hand: A bounty for a missing person. One 'Oriandus Staven' - A rogueish fellow who disappeared some weeks ago handling another contract to investigate disappearances. A coincidence? Probably not.


Custom Mechanics

Dragon's Bane brings with it a set of homebrew mechanics to replace or supplement existing mechanics and better fit the setting. Examples include a mana system to replace the standard spell slots system, weather tracking, and recharging and tracking of enchanted item charges. Links to specific pages detailing these mechanics are below.


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