Draconia Defense Force Team 3 Organization in Draconia | World Anvil

Draconia Defense Force Team 3

The third squad in the line of Defense Force teams. Also regarded as the most influential of the teams. Ralbas forced suggested the idea that his children be among the top ranked teams. While I can see that they are a ferocious team and certainly a force to be reckoned with, Ralbas raised those children with an iron fist and a lack of discipline. It's a miracle that the only one with a superiority complex is Trey. I can't in all good faith put them as the poster children for our organization. His demands were first for them to be placed under my tutelage, but I can already see that there would be problems, even with Ace's leadership to straighten them out. After I declined, he sought Ganvorth for leadership. If I can't handle them, then neither could he; he'd probably make them worse. Ultimately, we settled on allowing Duaak to oversee their team. While Duaak is influenced by Ganvorth, I know I can trust him to keep those kids in check and make sure they're on the right path. Anyways, on with my report.

Ace Cinderclaw

The most behaved child of the Claw family and one of my brightest hopes for the future of Draconia. Attended school down in Zalesh with Althos and Korrin Yuvanka. Highly educated in the art of battle and leadership, acedgoddamnit Ganvorth, every test on history and tactics. His words seem to be capable of motivating people to push past their physical and mental limits. Has also made a habit of standing up to his father for the better of his siblings and friends. Maybe, just maybe, he'll take the Draconic Ascenion ritual one day. Maybe then we can have an actual competent and worthy Red Overlord. I digress, I have high hopes for this one. Leadership of the squad will be his on missions without Duaak present.   Amendment 1-Leovold Eldric: As of the beginning of the year 3046, Duaak refers leadership of Defense Force 3 to Ace, making him the effective leader of all group operations.

Daos Toxclaw

One of the best medics I have ever seen. Despite being so young, she knows the anatomy of most races perfectly enough to perform extensive surgeries in the field. Even capable of near-perfect battle medicine administration. Distant from her father, though I suspect this is because she knows the truth of her and the rest of her siblings' births. Not to mention she herself seems disillusioned with his constant overbearing demeanor as well. I have a fierce suspicion that Nedra may be her mother, but I have no concrete evidence. If so, it would explain her empowerment with magic, though it is unusual it took on a healing aspect rather than destructive. Has some small leadership qualities, but she gives in too easily to her brothers unless Ace is present to reinforce her. Protective to an extent, which is good considering her healing ability. Have Duaak push her capabilities and see to what degree she can heal people when pushed to the brink.

Trey Dreadclaw

The proverbial "bad egg" of the Claw family, at least so far. A frightening menace of unhinged rage, power and destructive strength. Arrogant to a devastating fault, he refuses to see any value of teamwork or cooperation with lesser races, despite being in an organization that employs them extensively. A shame too, considering his power. The only of the five siblings that has inherited his father's rampant racism and disregard for the safety of the common people. Often engages in vicious verbal fights with Ace for leadership claims over the group, though Ace has the rest of his siblings' support, as well as their father. Despite his shitty attitude, he has a drive to accomplish great things and legitimately strives to want to be the best, even to an unhealthy point. Had the balls to steal one of his father's treasured weapons so he could be even more successful. Might not be so bad after all? I'll have to have Duaak look further into him with a few mental evaluations.

Quart Sparkclaw

The most innately talented child when it comes to magic and also the most charismatic. A bit of a dorky nerd, but definitely lovable and sociable. Like Daos, he too has voiced his disagreement with his father's opinions, but unlike Daos, he doesn't have to courage to continue to stand up to his father. Shockingly frail and brittle for a dragonborn, especially of the Ralbas bloodline. But, what he lacks in toughness he more than makes up for with magical force. Probably has something to do with his mother being related to a rare species of dragon that gather their power from the natural disasters of the world. Ralbas has even mentioned his fear that one day Quart could overtake him with his overwhelming magical power. While I don't know about that, it would be interesting to see if there's a lightning equivalent to Ralbas' white flames. Due to his frailty, the youngest sibling of the team guards over him most of the time and they are often together on assignments.

Cinque Frostclaw

The youngest sibling and the most adorable. Have you seen him and his sippy cup?! I wanna just smoosh his cheeks and tell him how cute he is and- Goddamnit Ganvorth, quit messing with my transcriptions. Apologies. But I agree. Despite him being the youngest of the five, he shares the title of being the tallest at six foot five. Not to mention he is still a growing child. When his growth spurt hits, the boy is going to be well over seven feet tall. And I fear what that will do for his physical condition. I've seen him run through the snow barefoot for 3 miles without breaking a sweat. He's able to wield heavy weapons near-effortlessly. While Trey is certainly capable of dealing out damage to structures and buildings, Cinque is a walking siege weapon. Fiercely overprotective of his older brother due to being assigned by their father to watch over him with his life. I've heard rumors from inside the Cinderclaw household that Ralbas is considering him to take Zilvaroth's place as overlord when the time comes. While I can't imagine how he'd manage the politics of the job, I do know that a significant number of Council members would shit their pants at the thought that Ralbas' son is now an Overlord.

To Preserve Draconia

Founding Date
Military, Special Operations Force
Alternative Names
The Claws
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Ruling Organization

Forced cooperation

A majority of Defense Force 10 distrusts Team 3 due to Ralbas being their father and his extensive crimes against Team 10's membership.

Neutral and respectful

Each group has reasons to mistrust the other, but they both desire to expand upon their working relationship.


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