SLIDE in Doskvol | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


A subtle manipulator and spy

From Blades in the Dark Rulebood Copyright © 2017 John Harper. All rights reserved.

It’s said that the primal substance of the world is not mere matter or strange plasms, it’s lies. Everything we do, everything we care about, everything we value—all lies we tell each other and ourselves. The world is a fabrication, a convenient fiction, a story—and the storytellers are Slides.

When you play a Slide, you earn xp when you address a challenge with deception or influence. Talk your way into trouble, then talk your way out again. Pretend to be someone you’re not. Bluff, lie, and manipulate to get your way. Every problem is ultimately a problem because of people—and people are the instrument upon which you play your music.

Is there anything true about you, at your core? Or are you whatever you need to be, day to day? Are all of your relationships merely gambits that you play for your advantage?


O Consort
OO Sway

Starting Builds

If you want some guidance when you assign your four action dots and special ability, use one of these templates.

The Siren. Attune +2, Consort +1, Prowl +1. Trust in Me.

The Prestige. Finesse +2, Prowl +2. Mesmerism.

The Grifter. Consort +1, Finesse +2, Study +1. A Little Something on the Side.

The Spy. Prowl +2, Finesse +1, Skirmish +1. Cloak & Dagger.

Sly Friends, Rivals

  • Bryl, a drug dealer. Perhaps a reliable underworld contact, or perhaps an old partner with a grudge?
  • Bazso Baz, a gang leader. Perhaps a paramour pursuing your affections, or perhaps a former lover, now scorned?
  • Klyra, a tavern owner. Perhaps a good source for gossip?
  • Nyryx, a prostitute. Perhaps an informant to spark potential marks, or perhaps a rival manipulator?
  • Harker, a jail bird. Perhaps a friend who you helped when you were in prison, or perhaps an enemy who hurt you when you served your time?



Character Playbooks

Articles under SLIDE

A Cane-Sword
Item | Sep 20, 2020

A slim sword and its sheath, disguised as a noble’s cane.

A Little Something On The Side
Generic article | Sep 20, 2020

At the end of each downtime phase, you earn +2 stash.

Cloak & Dagger
Generic article | Sep 20, 2020

When you use a disguise or other form of covert misdirection, you get +1d to rolls to confuse or deflect suspicion. When you throw off your disguise, the resulting surprise gives you the initiative in the situation.

Fine Clothes & Jewelry
Item | Sep 20, 2020

An outfit that appears to be of such fine make as to pass you off as a wealthy noble.

Fine Disguise Kit
Item | Sep 20, 2020

A theatrical make-up kit equipped with an impressive array of expert appliances to fool the eye.

Fine Loaded Dice, Trick Cards
Item | Sep 20, 2020

Gambling accouterments subtly altered to favor particular outcomes.

Ghost Voice
Generic article | Sep 20, 2020

You know the secret method to interact with a ghost or demon as if it were a normal human, regardless of how wild or feral it appears. You gain potency when communicating with the supernatural.

Like Looking Into A Mirror
Generic article | Sep 20, 2020

You can always tell when someone is lying to you.

Generic article | Sep 20, 2020

When you Sway someone, you may cause them to forget that it’s happened until they next interact with you.

Rook's Gambit
Generic article | Sep 20, 2020

Take 2 stress to roll your best action rating while performing a different action. Say how you adapt your skill to this use.

Myth | Sep 20, 2020

You may expend your special armor to resist a consequence from suspicion or persuasion, or to push yourself for subterfuge.

Trust In Me
Generic article | Sep 20, 2020

You get +1d vs. a target with whom you have an intimate relationship.


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