Cemalt Settlement in Dominalem | World Anvil
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3) During the winter season Di-Scion Valens Lascarii chose to camp on the southern Humanholt-Meteba border. The logic behind this action was based in the Gracemex's fear of the cold. However, the bug's proved hardier than expected and a swarm under Queen Ever-Watcher drove deep into Humanholt. The Onslaught was so vicious the survivors of the 4th Legion begged to be killed rather than face the foe again. Messengers soon arrived from the trade city of Cemalt 200 miles inland that a massive host of Cemex warriors arrived
4) Valens drove his legion into a forced march the moment he received word. He drove the men at a brutal pace, rushing to relieve the besieged city. To understand the Legate's haste, I must describe to you the nature of Cemalt. The city is a modest one centered on the heavily traded silk highway. Their are two types of human that lives here: Farmers, who plow the fields and provide the food exports the city relies on, and the Merchants who barter and sell wares, as well as organize passage to the rest of Humanholt. The nature of the population explains Valens' actions and his surprise upon reaching the city.
5) The city was built in the standard circular design, with four main through fares for large traffic. The structures of the city are cramped, since few centaurs live in the settlement, and their are very few walls, because banditry was rare. The large stores of grain were held in quarters within each of the major markets of the city. The people here are considered soft by imperial standards, but good of nature and neighborly. People such as this do not make fine warriors.
6) So one can imagaine Valens' shock when he reached the city to find a raging battle still at hand. Our legion had taken 5 days to reach the city, and Lord Valens rightfully thought the city gone. To our shock we arrived to the field of battle, where Graciemex bodies mixed with humans, instead of a massacre.
7) Valens whipped his legion into action, and they assaulted the town clearing each street of Gracemex warriors. The fighting was light by the standard of the current conflict. Two bells after our enterence into the battle our legionaries reached the center of the city where the surviving townsfolk held off the remainder of the Gracemex horde. They hid in the mayors villa which had been modified into a fortress of some quality. Most fought with simple weapons, but an occasional mercenary could be seen in the group
8) The remaining Gracemex were quick to route when our forces joined the fray. Once the battle was over, Valens spoke to a man named Manuel a merchant of some repute in the town. The merchant said they heard from fleeing soldiers that a horde was on the way, so they hired mercenaries, and prepared the town. Manuel described a daring young man who came up with the strategy to which the people owe their lives. The man, a peasant said to set fire and barricades to the town rings burning them each time the Gracemex took a layer. Thus the townsfolk with some apprehension filled each building with oils, and dug pitch trenches in the gardens and market squares. The strategy worked, although the cost of victory was still great. Valens was so impressed he awarded the surviving townsfolk and mercenaries with honors and riches, along as an even sharing of the remaining land, and money to rebuild their city. In the years to come the city's trade was restored, and their profits returned. The largest change the series of forts built by the surviving townsfolk.


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Jul 21, 2020 10:24

Word of advice, you'll have better luck catching readers if you split your text up into some paragraphs, use headers, and so on :) It's really hard to read right now, and people might tune out at the first sign of resistance. Good luck!

Creator of Araea, Megacorpolis, and many others.
Jul 30, 2020 03:06

Thanks for the advice! I appreciate that you took the time to read it!