Sallis Jenin Character in Domen Aria | World Anvil
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Sallis Jenin

Sallis Jenin

"Sallis Jenin"   20 years old. 3rd level Cleric of The Black Leech .   A Priest of the Cult Of The Black Leech .   Runs day to day activities and recruitment of new worshippers from neighboring towns, inns, pubs, and taverns, usually during common gatherings and the holidays. These will usually be the poor, desperate, and downtrodden, looking for work or places to live. Sallis will not take just anyone, but they must be healthy, strong, and have potential to aid the cult in some way. When found, the whole family will be invited.   Sallis seeks to gather many cult members and advance through the ranks of the cult. He eagerly seeks approval and power from leadership.

Physical Description

Body Features

Medium height and weight with pale skin.

Special abilities

Extra Turning

Apparel & Accessories

Usually wears different shades of brown shirts and pants, and dark green ceremonial robes.

Mental characteristics




Formerly a top student in a local church.

Accomplishments & Achievements

He has been very successful in recruiting people to the Cult Of The Black Leech so far.

Morality & Philosophy

Enjoys socializing and recruiting people to the faith. His pursuit of recruits and personal gain dominate all other concerns.

Personality Characteristics


Wants to advance within the cult and accumulate status and power.

Likes & Dislikes

Very sociable and enjoys meeting people and participating in festivities.


Family Ties

Parents were well off but died, his estranged brother took everything and left him nothing.

Religious Views

Chaotic Neutral
Current Location
Light blue eyes
Short brown hair
175 lbs
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, Halfling, Gnome, Elven


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