The Black Leech Character in Domen Aria | World Anvil
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The Black Leech


"The Black Leech"   Also known as "Hirudo"   Is an enormous demonic leech, from the plane of swamp, that has achieved self awareness by feeding on an injured and dying angel that fell into its swamp during one of the wars. The powerful, celestial blood caused it to grow rapidly and it’s 32 brains to evolve and develop consciousness.

Divine Domains

Swamp, Plant, Animal, Water

Holy Books & Codes

It is currently being written by the high priest and does not yet have an official title.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A, Y shape with jagged edges outlining it, in the center of a circle.

Tenets of Faith

Followers must drink blood during their ceremonies.


The first full moon of spring, summer, and fall.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

To advance through the ranks of godhood. To rule over the planet. To rule the Infernal Swamp Plane. To feast upon all the deities.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Its wet, rubbery, black body contains 34 muscular segments, with suckers at both ends, one for support and one for feeding. In the head, it has three sets of jaws in a Y shape, with 100 razor sharp teeth in each jaw.

Body Features

Thick, black, rubbery segmented skin.

Special abilities

Special Abilities: Remote Sensing, Blindsight 240 ft., Invisibility To Darkvision, Cause Darkness 5’ Radius, See In Darkness, ESP, Telepathy, Read Magic, Read Languages, Detect Invisibility, Detect Magic, Detect Good,   Immunity To: Transmutation, Energy Drain, Ability Drain, Ability Damage, Mind-Altering Effects, Fear, Electricity, Cold, Acid, Disease, Poison, Stunning, Sleep, Paralysis, Death Effects, Disintegration.   Special Attacks: Bite 4d6+12, Disease Bite, Poison Bite, Paralysis Bite, Energy Drain Bite, Drain Blood, Blood Drink, Improved Grab, Wounding, Frightful Presence.   Special Defenses: +1 To Hit, Resistance To Energy: cold, fire, lightning, bludgeoning attacks, Damage Reduction 10/+1, Acid Blood, Reflective Hide, Magic Resistance 70%, Spell Resistance: 10 + ½ HD, Regeneration of 5 hit point per round.

Mental characteristics

Intellectual Characteristics

Genius level intelligence and wisdom, logical, and determined.

Morality & Philosophy

Chaotic and evil. Is in constant pursuit of its goals and won't let anything stand in it's way.

Personality Characteristics


Wants to ascend to godhood. Has just begun to gain followers and believers in the prime material plane.

Likes & Dislikes

Dislikes salt.
Divine Classification
Chaotic Evil
Circumstances of Birth
It's rebirth or "awakening" came when it nurished itself upon the wounds of a defeated angel.
The Plane Of Swamp
Current Residence
The Plane Of Swamp
Multiple black eyes
10 feet tall and 30 feet long.
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Can communicate telepathically in all languages.   Can read and understand all languages.


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