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Saberford is a growing town on the rise. Originally founded as an iron mining outpost by The Steel Circle, it is now a fully functional town with all of the amenities that other locales enjoy. Specializing in iron and steel, it boasts the finest weapons and armor around.   Built in the coastal foothills of a newly opened, cold, remote continent in the north, the town endures both cold weather and regional attacks by the mountain inhabitants. Despite these periodic attacks by the local orcs and ogres, the town's impressive defensive forces are always ready and the citizens focus on their daily lives. Craftsmen, traders, and adventurers are always welcome and the vast wilderness has unexplored potential for those willing to search.


This mining outpost turned city, is heavily populated by humans and dwarves, mixed with a few others.  Currently the population here is about 50% human, 40% dwarf, 4% half-elf, 3% elf, 2% gnome, and 1% Halfling.


The government here is run by the representatives of The Steel Circle.  Each division head of the circle has full authority over their specific area of focus.  As more and more division heads have become necessary, the number of internal conflicts have also increased. Currently the government is run by one representative from the miners, lumberjacks, smelters, transporters, and security divisions. When matters arise that do not fall into one of their five jurisdictions, then all members will vote on a proposed solution.


As the outpost and now city, have been exposed to numerous and recurring orc and ogre attacks, a great deal of resources have gone into the defense of the city. While Saberford has always been surrounded by tall rock walls and interspersed with guard towers, the arrival of the Security division head has bolstered the defenses even more.  As the city has expanded, newer andesite rock walls have been built farther out on the perimeter and surrounded by a deep ditch.  The guard towers have been equipped with ballista and catapults.  The north entrance gate is flanked by two large watch towers with murder holes, a steel portcullis, and draw bridge.    During times of battle, security forces will man the walls with skilled archers and heavy ground forces will be armed with the best of armor and weapons.  Several wizards, sorcerers, and clerics are at the ready to aid where ever they can.  Additionally all of the workers employed by The Steel Circle can be called in to fight as well.

Industry & Trade

The cities original purpose was to mine and process the iron and directly sell it to customers.  However with the volatile nature of the region, a lot of that iron had to be turned into steel in order to make weapons and armor against the constant barrage of attacks. The Lumber and Security divisions heads had to be brought in and the outpost had to evolve from having a single, iron production purpose, to now having to supply all aspects of weapon and armor making.    As a result of the changes to the city, it now exports surplus steel, weapons, armor, lumber, and garnets.  It imports security, food, lime, coal, and other everyday items the townsfolk might need.


The infrastructure here has been focused mainly on protecting the inhabitants, obtaining vital materials, and transporting those materials from the wilderness, to the town, then to other cities. While the mine sites are located farther and farther from town, the training grounds are just outside of the city walls, and the lumberyards, factories, warehouses, and docks are all located inside of the protection of the city. As the years have progressed and the outpost became more of a town, the residents have been building may of the more customary establishments. Inns, taverns, smiths, banks, merchant shops, and many others have been springing up with the town's prosperity.


The main assets available in Saberford are the great amount of stone building materials, the plentiful wildlife for food and clothing, lumber, garnets, iron ore, steel products, weapons and armor.

Guilds and Factions

The only guilds that are accepted here are those directly supported by The Steel Circle and run by their division heads. Cooperation between these heads has always been tenuous at best and with all of the added stressors at Saberford, the number of arguments and conflicts continues to escalate. A Hunter and Fisher Guild has tried to form a few times in the past, but was quickly squashed each time.   So far the major guilds that exist in the city are:   The Miners Guild, that focuses on obtaining the prized iron ore.   The Lumber Guild, that harvests the trees for building supplies and firewood.   The Smelters Guild, that processes the iron ore into usable material.   The Transport Guild, that plans, stores, and moves the goods from the wilderness to the city and then ships it to the final destination.   The Security Guild, that safeguards the goods from start to finish and oversees protection of the people and the city.


Saberford was founded in 575 A.S. by The Steel Circle. Their purpose was to create an iron manufacturing and trading outpost, which would mass produce the iron that they could sell directly to other locations. Small attacks by local orcs forced the outpost to build more serious defenses and bring in more security forces. The increase in population required more housing, food, and protection. Soon the single operation outpost had to undergo major changes in order to support everything that was needed. New division heads were brought in to run the various operations of the circle. Not only mining, but lumber, smelters, transporters, and security heads were now running what had grown into a small town. As the settlement grew so too did the attacks, as ogres began joining the orcs in the offensive. More security, weapons, and armor were required and many new smiths joined the town for its cheap supple of iron and steel and the high profits that they could make from it. The citizens began to demand more amenities and the importation of leisure goods and services began to flow into the town. Attacks still continued, but adventurers sought them out and beat them back into the mountains. This small port city continues to grow and is only limited by the available supplies, manpower, and occasional attacks.


Few people come here for the sole purpose of tourism, as there is little to see or do here at this dangerous location. Those that do come, usually do so as a means of striking up trade agreements or are looking for high paying work.  Those that don't mind the danger usually stay on to become residential soldiers or security for the town or the mining crews.  Some adventurers do brave the wilds and others take up a skilled trade.


A variety of igneous based rock is plentiful here and many of the buildings are made out of dark basalt, grey andesite, shiny gabbro, and spotted diorite.  Most of the roofs, the docks, and wooden structures are made from the abundant pine, hemlock, and spruce trees that make up the conifer forests that cover the landscape. The ever expanding city walls are made out of expertly cut and fitted stone.  The older inner walls are made from black basalt, and the newer outer walls are made from grey andesite.


Saberford is located on a remote and wild northern continent made up of wide, low mountains as far as the eye can see.  Many cold streams run through the hardy conifer forest and deep valleys, often pooling up into deep lakes as they make their way to the ocean.  This land is frequented by cold rains in the spring and deep snow in the winter months. Historically isolated due to high winds and rough waters with no reliable safe harbors, it wasn't until after the Sundering that the water levels changed, exposing a natural fjord where the outpost and now city of Saberford would be constructed.

Natural Resources

This city was originally set up to take advantage of the rich iron ore trapped in the rocks and the plentiful supply of timber in the forests.  There was little else of significant value at the time.    A variety of igneous based rocks and minerals are present here.  Mostly basalt, andesite, gabbro, and diorite make up the majority of rocks.  Few precious gems exist here with the exception of garnet.    Lumber is readily available across the mountains.  Forests full of pine, spruce, hemlock, and other conifers fill the area.  Pine nuts and many species of mushroom are also found in the woodlands.   The streams and oceans are full of trout, salmon, mussels, and crabs.  Deer, elk, sheep, bear, wolves, and mountain lions roam the countryside.
Founding Date
Saberford was officially founded in 575 A.S.
Large town
Approximately 6,000 inhabitants.
Owning Organization


Due to the vast growth of the settlement and the increasing investment into the city by the inhabitants, some feel that it is only a matter of time before the people throw out The Steel Circle and proclaim themselves a free city.    

Notable Places:

  "The Smithory" is a collection of workshops and craftsmen that train smiths of various trades, materials, skill level, proficiency, and age. It is run by the Oreck Whitesteel and his family of Aurum dwarves. They are not overseen by any of the "Circle" division heads and have been gaining great influence with the city folk.     "The Gallery" is the workshop of the master smith and Metal Caller, Verkku Nnatta. Here he crafts magical weapons, armor, and items for the residents of Saberford.


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