Long Wick Candle Item in Domen Aria | World Anvil
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Long Wick Candle


Most people just use candles to light their homes or shed light on whatever that they are doing in darkened conditions. However, a few have taken to using candles for other means. The "Pursuers" secretly use a plain candle with a long wick to use as a symbol and to recognize others with similar beliefs and mindsets.   As the memberships of The Pursuers Of The First One continues to increase so to does societies awareness of them. At first the "Pursuers" welcomed the public attention as a way to spread their beliefs and find new members. However, with the added attention came a large amount of public scrutiny and harassment as the community started to see them as a direct conflict to their stable way of life. "The Callers Of The First One" decided that the people needed more time to become acclimated to their presence and beliefs, and so ordered their membership to be more careful and secretive until their numbers grew larger.   It was decided that the "Pursuers" would use a cheap and common candle as a secret symbol of their new religion. The unlit candle physically resembles the number "1", referring to their devotion to their "First One" or "First God". The lighting of the candle represents that they themselves must light their own path forward to the "First One". The lit candle shows that in time they will illuminate and enlighten those who cannot see the magnificence of the "First One". Finally, when meeting other possible members of the "Pursuers", each will take forth their candle and bend the extra long wick over to the candle's side forming the letter "P" to subtly show their membership and brotherhood. This new symbol and more secretive practices has kept many new and naive members from getting into trouble and has also bolstered the entire groups feeling and devotion to each other and the "First One".
Item type
A very common item found in several shops in every town throughout the lands.
Base Price
1 copper piece.
Raw materials & Components
These candles are usually made from either rendered animal fat known as tallow or from beeswax. Most chandlers use beeswax as it burns more purely and cleanly and produces more light and less smoke. The wicks are made from cotton or hemp and burn slower and last longer. The candles come in a variety of colors, shapes and sizes, as do their wicks. "The Pursuers" prefer simple straight, long, off white colored candles with extra long wicks.


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