Knight Profession in Domen Aria | World Anvil
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The Knights are said to have originated in ancient Avalonia thousands and thousands of years ago. They were supposedly handpicked by the deities for their valor and virtues and assembled to do ferocious battle against the forces of evil at that time. Their inevitable victory saved the world and inspired the populace. When offered their choosing of a reward they all declined and wished only to continue to serve the people.   The knights today are a heavily armed and armored fighting force unmatched in bravery and skill. They are experts trained in horsemanship and battle and taught the language of Classic Avalonia.  Dedicated to their faith and lieges, their honor is of utmost importance and a reflection of their faith, to falter in one is to tarnish the other. Each order of knights is slightly different but all make solemn vows to follow the Virtues Essential.



In order to become a knight they must first serve for years as a Page and then Squire, learning about horsemanship and battle and all that there is to know about knighthood from an active sponsor knight. This time is not just for learning but is also a constant test of the honor and loyalty of the person. During these years they are taught of chivalry, the Virtues Essential, and the language of Classic Avalonia.   While the nobles and first born sons in particular are often chosen to take part in this process, rare exceptions are made for those who show great promise at a young age. All applicants must be honorable, brave, noble, faithful, and take vows to each of the Virtues Essential. When the sponsor knight deems it a proper time, the squire will undergo a special ceremony and become a full-fledged knight.

Career Progression

The prospective knight must serve an active knight for 7 years as a Page and then serve for 5 years as a Squire.

Payment & Reimbursement

To most knights the reward is in the completion of the deed. Taking pride in their oaths of poverty and charity, the income that they make is often donated to religious orders or given to the poor. Those born of noble blood usually already have significant wealth to begin with, but for those without a bloodline, a successful career may give them the opportunity to acquire some land from a local lord.

Other Benefits

Honor and glory are often heaped upon successfully returning knights and the fame brings both admirers and detractors. No matter the knightly order or the kingdom a healthy respect is always given to these imposing warriors.



The purpose of each knight depends greatly on the order to which they belong. They all serve a liege of some sort and act on their behalf. Some orders operate for an organized religious leader, some serve the religion itself, others act on behalf of political rulers, or follow a Free Imperial Knight. All lieges claim that the knights exist to secure the freedom and prosperity of the people.

Social Status

While the knightly order itself is often seen by the public in one particular way, the individual knights in that order often develop their own reputations through deed or misdeed and action or inaction. When enough of their fellow knights continue to create similar reputations then the overall perception of the order will begin to change. This is often a very slow process and generations of actions have given each order the prominence that it has today.


Legends say that one in a thousand warriors has the character, loyalty, virtue, courage, fortitude, and ability to become a knight. Throughout history this number has both risen and fallen with times.



The most important tool that a knight has is the faithful steed. Mighty warhorses elevate the knight giving them a distinct fighting advantage with increased maneuverability, speed, reach, and power. Other vital tools are the great armor and weapons of the knight. These may be different among knightly orders but they are always of the highest quality.


The knights workplace is in the outdoors, defending those who cannot defend themselves and safeguarding the countryside. Although a few do take up politics, most reminisce about days gone by and desire to be out in the field.

Provided Services

These great warriors have dedicated themselves to a set of ideals that are grounded in Chivalry. As such they are sworn to help those in need and defend the realm from all enemies. When issues arise, contacting the knightly order will bring swift action from the knights.

Dangers & Hazards

Knights risk life and limb on a daily basis and are no strangers to hardships.  During times of war it is expected that large numbers of the valiant warriors will lay down their lives for their faith, king, and country.
Although becoming a knight is legal, the applicant must be sponsored by an active knight and approved by the order that they are entering into.  Anyone who claims to be a knight without proper authorization is dealt with quite harshly.
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Virtues Essential:

Atonement, Charity, Chastity, Chivalry, Compassion, Courage, Courtesy, Faith, Fealty, Fortitude, Franchise, Honor, Honesty, Hope, Humility, Justice, Largesse, Loyalty, Mercy, Noblesse, Obedience, Poverty, Prowess, Protection, Prudence, Reason, Sanctity, Service, Strength, Valor, and Vengeance.

Cover image: by by blende12 from pixabay


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